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"Olivia.Olivia. Olivia. Oliviiiiiiiia! Oh-li-vi-AAAH?!" My younger twin brother, the little annoying ass he is, just has to distract me while I try to focus. That's what he does - every car ride, every time. "What?" I ask.

"Why didn't you write anything?" Ethan asks and points at the screen of my laptop on my lap.

"You distract me." I tell him.

"nah-uh, don't give me the fault. I JUST started to distract you and we're already in the car for," He says and looks at his watch. "40 minutes. AND you didn't write in the airplane either AND I didn't disturb you there." He smirks. I roll my eyes and look at the screen I've been looking on for the whole car ride. I still have no idea for a new One Shot. It used to be so easy and I used to get ideas every minute, but the closer we get to university the less ideas I get. And even if I have an idea, nothing that pops into my mind is actually good enough. I already tried everything, listening to music which usually inspires me to write, or looking at pictures on Tumblr but nothing came into my mind. "Oh-le-ve-AAH!"

I roll my eyes at him and close my laptop. I take a deep breath and face my twin brother who actually doesn't look like my twin. I have dark brown hair, he has light brown hair. He has blue eyes like our mother and I have brown eyes like our father. Mum gave most of her genes to my brother. Dad gave most of his genes to me. The only thing that makes us twins is our birthday.

"Can you please act like a normal 18 year old?" I ask him and he shakes his head smirking.

"Ethan, stop annoying your sister." Dad says as he parks the car in front of the students accommodation, where Ethan and I are going to live in. "You could write about me." Dad suggests as I put my laptop into my backpack.

"Yes, a One Shot about a divorced man, right." I say sarcastically as I open the car door.

"Oh, I thought your done with writing One Shots and are only writing on novels." He says.

"I do both." I tell him. I roll my eyes as I step out of the car. Ethan does the same and we both go to the boot to get our boxes and suitcases. We each have one box and take them inside of the building to the elevator. Dad is following us with my suitcase. "Are you going to unpack today?" He asks as we step into the elevator.

"Yes." Ethan says.

"No."I say.

The elevator goes up to 9th floor. Down the hall and then left is my flat and across from it is Ethan's. We twins unlock our doors and step in at the same time. Dad looks to the right and then to the left, wondering who he should follow in. He always has that problem, every time Ethan and I would split into two directions. Seconds later he follows me and puts my suitcase on my bed. "When are you going to unpack?" He asks and sits down.

"Later." I say and continue looking through my one room flat. It's literally one decent sized room. When you step in, you have the kitchen to your left and the bathroom to your right. Next to the small kitchen is a big desk. Right above the desk is a TV that I will probably never turn on because Youtube exists. Across from it, is my bed with two nightstands on either side. To the left of my bed are huge windows that go from wall to wall and light up the whole entire room. To the right of my bed is a big wardrobe. Build into the wall is a tall bookshelf. The floor is dark wood and the walls are white. Furniture is plain - white, grey and black. Ethan's room is like all the other rooms in this building exactly the same. I turn around to see my dad opening my suitcase. "You don't have to unpack for me, dad."

"But I want to." He says smiling. Ethan comes in, out of breath and sits down on the floor. "Thanks for helping me with my TWO suitcases." He rolls his eyes and lays down.

"I totally forgot about you. I'm sorry, son." father says and stands up. "Come I'll help you unpack, since your sister certainly doesn't need my help." Dad reaches his hand out for my, by minutes younger, brother and helps him up.

"I get coffee." I say, even though I don't drink coffee. Dad and Ethan do though and I know that both of them need it - for me, I'll get tea.

I make my way to the nearest Starbucks and order two black coffees for dad and Ethan and one ice green tea for me. When I wait for my drinks, I notice some cute guys in the coffee shop. I can get used to that, I think while looking at everyone. Cute. Cuter. Even Cuter and the worker who gives me my order is the cutest. On his nameplate it says that his name is Adam. I smile and he smiles back as he gives me my drinks.

Whilst walking back and listening to music through my earphones, I get many messages from my best friend, Alison saying that she just arrived and that I should come to her car and help her carrying her stuff asap. I quicken my steps and seconds later I stand in front of my best friend's car. "Alison?" I exclaim. She isn't here so I take one big suitcase out of the open boot and put it next to the car. I sit down and wait for my best friend, who comes moments later.

"Hey!" She cries out.

"Hey A." I say and we hug. "How much stuff do you have with you?" I ask her. In her boot is one more suitcase and three boxes. Even though she's not the one who actually moved here from Ireland, she manages to have way more stuff than I do. "One suitcases is already in my room." She smiles proud.

I roll my eyes as she opens one car door and sits down. "I need a pause." She says. I take my earphones out and because I didn't press pause it continues playing the music out loud. 'Moments' by OneDirection is now at it's chorus which Alison and I always have to sing along. "Moooment in time I'll find the words to saaaaaaaaay before you leave me todaaay." we both sing together.

The song continues and comes to an end while we burst out laughing.

"We should get my stuff into my room." Alison decides and gets out of her car. I help her bring two boxes and the two suitcases into her flat in the 11th floor. Then I bring dad and Ethan their coffees and left my green tea in my mini fridge. When I go back to Alison's room, thinking that she's just getting the last box, I thought wrong and see her sitting on her bed. "Can you please get it?" She asks and lays down in her bed. "I'm so exhausted." She moans into a pillow.

"Just because I want to see that cute guy in the hallway again." I tell her rolling my eyes. I leave her room and make my way down again. I walk pass the boy who sits in the entrance room of the building with his laptop listening to High School Musical songs through earphones. He has the music turned up so loud that I could clearly hear it. He smiles at me when I walk pass him out of the building.

The last box is the biggest which is probably why Alison wanted me to get it. I take the box out which feels like it takes hours and lock her car. You can do this, I motivate myself and lift up the box. Without any problems or clumsy actions I manage the way to the elevator. The doors open and I hear a voice behind me asking, "Can I help you?"

Fate (Niall Horan - Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang