Chapter Forty Three

Start from the beginning

He stilled and looked at me.

I cannot see any expression on his face. Does he think it is his? Counting on the weeks, he might thought it was Mark's, for four months I have been with Mark.

I looked at him, feeling what he feels, but then I think, he was thinking it is not his.

"If the first thought you had was is it yours? Then don't think about what I said anymore." I faked a smile.

"If you thought it might be Mark's then maybe we don't need to talk anymore."

I observed him, he looked away from me, his hand clenched on a ball, his other hand was over his chin.

"How long did you know?" He hiss under his breath.

"Three weeks ago. A day before Duchess Katherine had a check up."

"Three weeks?! And you never told me?!"

He was hissing under his gritted teeth, he was controlling his temper, his anger.

"Is that what you needed to know to sign the divorce papers?" I asked.

"Fuck that divorce papers! Why do you want me to sign them? For what? For Mark to catch you and our baby? Did you even plan on telling me?! Did you even wanted to tell me that you are planning to make Mark the father of my baby?! Or you wouldn't if I did not even caught you?"

He looked at me and with gritted teeth he hissed "You know very well how much I wanted a baby Monique. You know very well how much I wanted this! It will make me the happiest man being with you when you try on a pregnancy test...when you go to a doctor to see our baby...when you hear her heartbeat..."

"Vince it's not my intention to hide it..." I softly said.

"That's why for three weeks that we are together you never mentioned that you are pregnant! You deprive me of my right as the father!God Monique! You are even working for fourteen hours! What kind of mother are you?!"

That was the last button.

His face softened, "Monique, I'm sorry I didn't mean that..."

"Wow! Thank you! Yes. I was a shitty mother. I'm sorry for being one!" I said as tears fell on my eyes.

"Monique honey..." He touched me but I moved away from him.

"How about you? Where were you Vince? You were nurturing another baby while I am pregnant! I always plan on telling you but you pushed me not to!"

"You've been being a hero on other people and not your wife! All the time I thought the Kathy's baby was yours and I know how much you wanted that! I saw it on your face how happy were you as you hear her baby's heartbeat."

I looked at him and told him straight on his face. "I was hurt to know I was checking up on your baby too, the baby you have always wanted, the mother of the baby you have always dreamt of. The real reason why you chose me, because I was her replica wasn't I? It was what you made me feel Vince. That I am nothing but a replica, a living substitute of Katherine.

"All the time Vince, we have never been at the right time or the right place Vince...and you know what? I wish my baby was really Mark's. I wish I never knew you. I wish you never exists in my life. I loathe you Vince. I loathe you."

The next day, Vince's bodyguard told me that the helicopter was ready anytime I wanted to leave.

I did not even ask him where Vince is. I only nodded at him and told him I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

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