The Volturi wedding!

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The Volturi was standing by the Cullen's house. Carlisie was the first one to open the door.

" Hello Aro, can I help you?" he asked. Aro nodded " Can you and your family be kind to step out, we are not here to fight." Aro said and gave Carlise a friendly smile. A few minutes later the Cullen's were face to face with the Volturi. " Yes, you wanted to talk about something?!" said Carlisle.

Edward was standing by his father's side and across him stood Alec, Edward gave him a disgusted face, Alec returned him a smirk. "Try to read my mind" Edward heard, it was Alec´s toughts. Edward tried, he could se a scene where Alec gave a girl a ring, she smiled as he put the ring on her finger. Edward saw the face of the girl, but when he tried to fokus on her face he saw two more, than two more and at least he saw ten diffrent faces. " What is going on?" Edward said confused. Alec laughed. " Confused?" he sounded evil but happy at the same time. " Alec! Manners!" Aro commanded. " You have to excuse him, he just got engaged." Aro said with a grin. It did not help Edward that much. " How can I  see over ten diffrent persons?" he asked. Aro chuckled. " Well you see Edward, Dahlia can change apperance into any person that shows up in her mind, she is very gifted. Along that she can also create shockwaves with her bare mind." Aro sounded proud.

" Well are we able to meet her?" Carlisle asked.

" Yes ofcourse, Dahlia if you would be so kind to step forward." A girl appeared by Alec´s side. She had long black hair, alomst like a raven, she had eyes red as rubies, her skin was perfectly pale and her lips was in a drak color. Her face was so beautiful and Bella understood why Alec was in love with her. " She is beautiful" Bella said to Edward, he nodded but still looked a little bit annoyed. 

" We would love you to join us in Volterra in November if that would be alright?" Caius said. It sounded more like a command than a question. It was October and the leaves had fallen. " Alec and Dahlia is getting married the 12th but we would love you to stay the whole month."  Caius continued.

Carlisle nodded " Ofcourse, the whole family will come, Bella take Renesmee for a walk." he said turning to Bella with a slight smile.

Bella walked away with Edward not far behind. Felix showed off behind Aro " Don´t you have more respect for the Volturi than that?" he asked. None of them turned aorund. " Well we wish you a pleasent journey to Volterra" Aro said and then they leaved.


Hope you liked it, sorry for any missspellings :S

Next part will be upp soon! :D

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