V for Volturi

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Alice and Bella went to Volterra 2 weeks before the rest of the Cullen family.

Both of them where going to be bridemaides, Alice had asked them about the wedding but Jane had told them that it was a secret until the got there. Something that annyoed Alice to her max.

Bella had also borught Renesmee since she needed ther girl no matter where she went. She was only 7 but looked like 15.

" How old is Dahlia Alice?" Bella asked and turned to Alice. "Well i would guess she is around 50 mabey 65 years even, but she looks fantasitc, 16 I would guess." Alice reliped.  Bella nodded. When they got to Volterra they got picked up by Jane and Felix.

"Hello Alice, Bella." Jane said. Suddently she seemed a lote more plesant then before. " You will not be able to meet Dahlia right now" Felix said as if he had read Alice's mind, he was driving the car with Jane in the front seat. The car stopped in front of the castle and all 5 got out in the mild evening. 

The went down to a long tunnel and soon they where standing in the big throneroom. Alec where standing in a corner talking to Aro, the seemed to discuss something, Marcus was sitting on his throne when Bella and Alice entred.

Aro and Alec stopped as soon as they saw her. "Bella welcome!" Aro said, his whole  He gave her a  hug and showed her and Alice to a smaller room with a bed and a lot of books. " Where is Dahlia?" Alice asked.

" I got drawings on the dress...and I think you understand that I want to show her them so that the seamstress are able to begin". Aro nodded and he showed her to a smaller room. This wasn't any news for Alice. After all she could tell the future. Alice went into a small room, the room went in the colors red and darkbrown. The walls was filled with books and in the center of the room was a big mahognytable in darkbrown. Dahlia was sitting on a chair with books all around her.

"Hey, Dahlia" Alice said. Dahlia nodded in greeting. Alice sat down and  Aro left  them to discuss the dress.

Alice took a look at Dahlias ring, it was a V with 2 rubies below and on top of the V, Alice was almost sure that the ring was in gold. The Volturi was the richest vampires they knew about and a ring in gold was not a problem.  Is that your engagementring?" Alice asked. " Yeah it is." Dahlia said now lifting her eyes off the book she was reasing. 

" And the center is our family´s coat of arms" she said and smiled. Alice took a look agin, in one of the corners she could see a black piano, a wing. " Do you play? " she asked and pointed at the wing. Once agin Dahlia nodded. " Mostly Alec but i can play a little, my big passion is drawing but Alec is teaching me." Dahlia went to the wing and started to play.  Alice had heard the music before River Flows In You.

  When Dahlia was done Alice clapped her hands. " Well let´s get to the real deal, here is a drawing on a dress." Alice smiled widely and showed Dahlia a drawing on a black dress with white roses, Dahlia smiled. " Wonderful" she said a big grin growing wider on her lips.

Suddently Jane and Alec entered the room. " Alice would you leave?!" Jane said, suddently she was not as nice as Alice had tought a few hours ago. Alice walked out from the room and left the three vampire alone. Jane and Alec sat down. Alec hugged Dahlia and gave her a kiss. "She have her daughter with her." Jane said, she sounded annoyed. Jane wasn't a big sucker for kids

"We cant have a little kid running around with a wedding to plan and I don't think anyone of the elder will enjoy her company." Alec nodded and went to one of the corners of the room where he took down a book with a big V on it. " V for Volturi" he said and smiled at Dahlia.  " This is our familythree and soon you and me will be in this book, here is every generation of every Volturi who have ever lived." Alec said. He looked at Jane. " Dear sister would you be kind to leave?" Alec smiled at her and Jane left the room. Dahlia gave him a confused frown.

"Is it so strange that I'd like to spend some alone time with my future wife?" he chuckled. To people who didn't knew him Alec would seem cold and evil but once you got under that skin he was a kind and loving person. Now he held the book wide open for her and pointed at a page." Well you see Aro had a sister, she was married to Marcus and they where going to leave the Volturi, Aro did not like it so Didyme got killed. That is something every Volturi know."

Alec took a second to watch his fiancee, Dahlia nodded. " Dr Carlisle Cullen used to be one of us you know." Alec opend a page with 4 men standing beside each other " Aro, Caius, Marcus and Carlisle.  " But how can he still be free and not...dead?" both of them laughed. " Well Marcus and Didyme where in love and Marcus had...has a gift, Carlisle didn't, he doesn't. Aro had use for Marcus but not for Carlisle so Aro said that he could go." Alec put the book back where it belonged and took her hand and they went out to the big room.


Next episode up soon, please comment ^_^

The Volturi wedding! (UNFINISHED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant