Chapter 16: Professor Ambrose

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“Come in!” Professor Ambrose's voice came from inside.

Asha opened the door and looked into the room. Professor Ambrose was sitting at his desk, looking at her, and nearly surrounded by papers.

“Hi.” Asha said.

“Hello. Sit down.” He said, pointing to a chair in front of him. “What do you need?” He asked as Asha sat down.

“Well, there's something different about me,” Asha started.


“You know what it is. And I do too.”

“Your magic.”

“Right, and, well, I don't know if I'm ready for everyone to know yet, so I was sort of wondering, if- well, there were any other people who um, might be able to teach me.”

“You don't trust most of our teachers with secrets?”


“Wise. They certainly would tell everyone.”


“Now, about learning to master every type of power. Each of the planets in our solar system specializes in one type of power. Erd is Balance, Magix is Life, though we have a bunch of other different kinds of magic here, Maltia is Fire, Washia is Water, Cloven is Myth, and Devon is Death. Not many people live on Devon now, but some still live and practice the ancient ways. You'll need to journey to each planet to learn how to use each magic. It is the best way for a multi to learn magic.”

“So how will I get there?”

“When you are ready, and have mastered Life, I will tell you.” Asha left.

“Clovenevere!” Asha yelled. “Yaxclaty!” Tree roots took hold on Professor Hagiggle and grew, only letting his face show. Then raspberry plants grew around the roots, making it almost impossible to escape. It had been a few months since Asha had come to Magix, and was now nearing the end of her first year training.

“Good job.” he said through his hole. “Second time you beat me.” The plants came loose and fell away. “I think you've mastered all of the spells you need to learn this year.” Asha smiled. “But there's another one that you should learn.”

“What is it?” Asha asked. “I thought I have learned all the spells in the book.”

“Ah, but this one isn't in the book.”

“It isn't?”


“Why not?”

“Because it is very dangerous. It is the most powerful Life spell ever, I think. It involves bringing something back to life. It requires very much energy. If you try to bring too many things back to life, you will use up all your energy and die. You must be very strong to use this spell. Even so, I advise you to let go of the person, animal or plant that died.”

“You can bring something back to life?”

“Only if the life force it used to have has a body to go back into and you have enough energy. I cannot express enough that if you don't have enough energy, it could be fatal to you. If a person dies, it is best that the person is just laid to rest.”

“I understand.”

“Now, the words to the spell are pretty simple.” he said, pulling out a dead seedling from the ground. “Winguardiam Lifea!” The plant's dead leaves suddenly turned green and he planted it back in the soil. “Now you try.”

“Winguardiam Lifea.” Asha repeated, picking up one of the dead seedlings.

Almost instantly, the plant seemed to sparkle and come back to life. Asha felt drained as she replanted the sprout. Her father seemed to notice her fatigue.

“It will take a while for you to bring things back to life without too much fatigue. You will need to train with other masters to help you get stronger. Being strong is key to this spell. But in the meantime, I think it is time for you to rest. Remember, you are going to Headmaster Ambrose's tomorrow.”

“All right.”

Sylvia met Asha in her dorm.

Hey Asha, She said. Why do you look so tired?

Training. Tell you later. Asha said, climbing onto her bed and instantly falling asleep.

“Good morning.” Professor Ambrose smiled at Asha as she walked into the room the next day. “Have you mastered Life?”


“Good. I now will show you how to travel to the other planets.” He opened a drawer in his desk and brought out a necklace.

The necklace was beautiful. It was made of a large purple crystal, which hung on a long silver chain. In the middle of the stone a rune was carved.

“This,” Professor Ambrose gestured to the necklace, “Is the fastest way of getting from planet to planet.”

“How can you travel from planet to planet with a necklace?”

“The rune on this necklace translates to 'travel'. You can travel anywhere on this planet or to another. You just tell it where you want to go while it is around your neck and it will take you there.”

“Cool!” Asha took the necklace and put it on. It shone in the sunlight.

“Once you use it, it takes about an hour to regenerate its energy. So you must be certain about where you want to go.” he warned.

“How am I supposed to get people to help me?” Asha asked. “I mean, help me master all the different kinds of magic?”

“I have friends from each of the planets. They will help you. Here,” he handed her a scroll. “Show them this letter and everything will be fine. Each of their names are on the paper. You will know where to find them.” Asha looked at the scroll and opened it. She read the names inside.

“Shiloh Weathersfield, Water, Dexter Scotchburn, Fire, Christa Songblast, Myth, Fred Gregory, Balance, and Vex Lorn, Death.”

“Now, go,” Professor Ambrose said. “Go pack your things. You have a long journey ahead of you.”

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