Chapter 19

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~~Annabel's pov~~

 I couldn't control the fear that was rolling around inside of my stomach as I slammed the backdoor open.

I'm running away.

I'm getting out of here.

I quickly ran out of the cabin, closing the door before my feet carried me into the snow, pushing away the feelings of pain from my thoughts.

I stopped looking back and ran faster, now there was nothing in front of me but the trunks of the tress and the deep depth of darkness. Then, I felt an earthly cool, and the trees closed over me, surrounding me as my heart pounded against my chest.

Suddenly, I heard Brent's voice booming and echoing through the forest, scaring me half to death as I heard a gun shot. "Annabel Lanette Manchester!"

I didn't slow down for a second. I just kept running, leaping over holes and rocks, running deeper into the shadows of the forest.

I was running through the pain.

I was running for my life.

Soon enough, I began to feel my legs start to weaken and my lungs start to give out. Finally, I was staggering, breathing heavy as I heard multiple gun shots being made. Pushing through bushes, tearing through the hanging vines, the bitter snowflakes hit my face with a strong gust of air.

My body ached, burned, the branches scratched my face and arms, vines and tangled bushes wrapped themselves around my leg. I yanked myself free from the gripping of the vines and with every step I took, my body became weaker.

I became dizzier and began to get weaker at the center spread steadily into my arms and legs. My throat was dry, I was parched and my body was freezing as the unwelcoming, icy snowflakes brushed past me.

Then, suddenly I was down on the ground, lying in the snow. I didn't even remember falling. It was a long while before I had stopped gasping for air and my breathing had slowed down.

 "Follow her foot prints!" I hear Rebecca holler and I mentally slap myself.

 I slowly eased myself up off the ground and glanced around at my surroundings.

"Go! Hurry! If we don't find her I will kill all of you myself!" I hear Brent yell as I hear their foot steps getting closer to me as I run to a tree.

I grab onto the branch close to the ground before lifting myself off the ground, using my two feet to swing back and forth, causing the snow on the branches connected to it to fall onto the ground, covering my foot prints.


 Then, I grab another branch a little farther up. I let go before grabbing onto another branch, pushing myself up higher into the tree.

Snow, collapsing onto the ground covering my other foot prints as I grip onto a few more branches.

My feet dangling before I get close to the top and I plant my feet on a thick wide open branch, pushing the snow off it. I glance down, taking a glimpse down at my now covered foot prints.

 Rose, Rebecca and James running over them as they glance around, confused as they saw my foot prints stopped. Brent now walks over glancing around. "Where'd she go?" Rose questions and all of them groan, annoyed.

 "There's a good chance she went into one of those trees." Brent points around the forest. "She knows how to defend herself, most of the time, and her father also taught her how to get out of this kind of thing." 

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