Ch 2 temari and......

Start from the beginning

Temari stayed silent not wanting to start an argument at the moment. Shika sighed and suddenly rolled over pinning Temari to the ground. Temari gasped and looked into his forest green eyes totally shocked by the action.

"Shika, what did you do that for?!" Choji asked with his mouthful.

"How should I know?" He asked his teammate irritated by the whole event.

Shika's mind was racing. Was he really dating that troublesome kuinochi from Suna? Why in the hell was he dating her? Yeah sure she's smart, she's hot, she won't let him get away with- aww crap, Shika realized. He was already falling for her. Little did he know Temari was thinking very similar thoughts to him.

"You can't really watch the skies like this." Temari teased trying to cover up her shock.

"That's true. But why should I be watching the sky when I have something far more beautiful to look at." He said looking into her eyes sincerity filling them.

All the females in the room gasped. Excluding Ino and Sakura as they full on squealed.

"Wow shikamaru I never pegged you as the romantic type of guy." Tenten said pointing at him giving him a wink.

"That was sooo youthful!!!" Lee gushed clutching his fist.

"Okay if you think some sappy lovey dovey crap is just gonna make any girl swoon!" Kiba started to complain but ino cut him off.

"Ooh what do you know dog breath!? That was a sweet sentiment and besides every girl likes to get a compliment once in a while!" Ino snapped.

"Shika." Temari breathed out eyes wide beyond belief. She couldn't believe what he just said. Temari thought there was nothing the lazy man loved more than watching clouds. Clearly she was mistaken. He continued talking again like he hadn't heard her say name.

"Why should I watch the sky when we are the sky my troublesome woman?"

"Shikamaru that made no sense whatsoever!" Ino snapped at him.

"What did you mean by that!?" Temari asked completely confused

"What do you mean?" Temari asked cocking her head to the side.

"That was creepy...." Tenten noted.

"Agreed." Neji nodded.

"Well my troublesome woman its quite simple." Shika said.

"Then explain it to me." She said earnestly wanting to understand.

Shika sighed but nodded while mumbling troublesome. Temari giggled slightly and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You're going to think its cheezy." He warned her.

"How are we the sky?" She asked him again giggling at the look he gave her.

"Clouds control shadows." He started.

"You control shadows." Temari said rolling her eyes.

"Exactly" he nodded a bit. Temari was so smart.

"Now the wind. The wind is the most important part of the sky." He told her.

"Really?"Temari asked skeptically.

"Yes, because the wind doesn't just make the clouds go wherever and move along at a certain time. The wind encourages the cloud to move. One day it'll coax the clouds into blocking the sun and on another it could give the clouds no instruction, but then the clouds are just stuck. Stuck in the same spot. Relatively same location. Without the wind the clouds aren't motivated to move. They have no reason to without the wind. Your my wind Temari and I wouldn't forget our date for anything not even the sky." Shikamaru finished.

Temari leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're my cloud shadow guy." Temari said in a voice just above a whisper.

Shikamaru smirked, leaned down and captured Temari's lips with his. Then the orb shut off.

"Well that happened." Tenten said scratching the back of her head.

"Who knew shika was such a romantic!?" Sakura asked the group.

"I know!"Ino gushed.

"Well umm who's next?" Temari asked looking around the group.

"I'll go!" Tenten said jumping up from her seat.

"Really tenten?" Lee asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I bet my futures awesome! Who knows I may even have a boyfriend." Tenten smiled.

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