Chapter Six

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Todd's POV

"Baby please. I said I was sorry! What more do you want from me?" Jennifer whined in my ear. I made a face at the phone before putting it on speaker and throwing it across the room onto the bed. Was support too much to ask for? What about space? Would she get angry if I asked for space? Probably. Girls are weird about things like that. I bet Jesse wouldn't be.

Wait... what?

"Todd! Are you ignoring me?" I heard Jennifer's voice snap from the phone.


".... No?" I ask, only to hear Jennifer sigh. The phone crackles for a few seconds, as if she was moving around, and I fidget, waiting to get yelled at.

"I know how you can make it up to me, baby." Her voice says huskily. Great. Not this again. Was it really that much of a problem that I wasn't interested in having sex with her? I frowned. Not that she isn't attractive, because she is. I just wasn't attracted to her. I wasn't really attracted to any of the girls that I've dated, now that I think about it. I mean, I'm not impotent. I wank. I just figured I need a serious emotional connection with someone before I could get physical. I frowned, imagining how hard Miles would laugh if he found out I was a virgin. Would Jesse laugh? Maybe he'd like it.

Wow, Brain. Stop. Just stop. That's gross.

"-and then we can go to the movies. Okay?" Jennifer finished and I winced as I realised I'd missed what she was saying.

"Uh... Yeah. Sure." I reply, trying to figure out what I'd just agreed to.

"Great! I'll see you when you pick me up at seven-thirty!" Click.

Wait... what?

I glanced over to look at the time. Shit. It's already 6:30. I should probably hurry up and get ready to go out. I opened my closet, sifting through my clothes to find something suitable. I tried to remember where Jennifer had said that we were going. To the movies... wasn't it? I pulled out a pair of black jeans and a plain light blue t-shirt that Jennifer told me matched my eyes. That should do. I mean, we're not going anywhere fancy.

I wander down to the bathroom for a quick shower before getting dressed in my outfit for the night. Opening the bathroom again I make my way into my room and get some cat food to feed the stray I'd picked up. Hopefully father has left on another of his business trips and I won't have to keep the poor thing locked in my room anymore. Do you know how hard it is to change kitty litter under your bed?

The cat meowed and I smiled at it, leaning down to give it a pat.

"I think I'm going to break up with Jennifer tonight Buddy. I don't see us going anywhere." I told it sadly and smiled when it purred in response.

I walk down the hallway into the kitchen and see a post-it note stuck to the counter. I plucked it off so I could read it on my way out the door.

Todd. Gone on business. I'll be back in a few weeks. D

I sighed, scrunching it up in my fist. On one hand, I was glad that I wouldn't have to hide the cat from him anymore. On the other hand, I was stuck in the house by myself for the next few weeks, and sometimes those weeks turned into months. I hated being here by myself.

Getting in the car, I left to go pick up Jennifer. I flipped the radio station on, hoping for a song that would calm my nerves. Breaking up with girls like Jennifer never ended well.

Pulling up to her house, I watched her come out of the house and get into my car in a little black dress, I knew instantly that jeans and a t-shirt was the wrong choice.

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