Chapter 7- Smoke And Mirrors

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Troye's POV-

I pace across the floor of my room, deep in thought. I hear a faint knock on my door and turn to see who it is, but the doorway is empty. I slump over on my bed and hold my head in my hands, heaving a frustrated sigh. I stare down at the black veins in my hands, admiring the contrast to my ghostly white skin. I hear a knock again and look up but nobody stands waiting for permission to enter. I must just be tired. I walk over to the mirror in the corner of my room. I draped a sheet over it a long time ago, finding it hard to watch myself slowly change into a monster. I rip the sheet away and throw it to the side. I feel sick peering down at what I see. My eyes, once an admirable blue, seemingly have disappeared, replaced by black pits. My skin, almost translucent and grey in parts with the black blood pumping underneath. My mouth, in a permanent evil smirk. This can't be me I'm looking at. Not the real me. I glance away and when I look back for a flash of a second it seems like I can see a different reflection. One without the gorey look, a frightened and lonely one. I push the mirror away, a headache coming on from the paradox in my mind.

I hear the knock again.

"What, dammit?" I scream at the once again empty doorway.

A louder knock. Louder. No. Not a knock. Not a knock you hear on a door. A thud. A thud above me. I look up. The ceiling shivers with another thud. Then another. And they don't stop. I reach to brush my hand over the spot dust falls from. I brush the spot just as it all stops. I hear a soft voice and turn to find the source.

"Sir, you have a visitor," A young servant calls across the room from the doorway.

"I don't want to see them," I reply coldly.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but I think you will," she calls again.

"Where are they?"

"Sitting in your throne," she says timidly.

I smile and dismiss her.

If we ever meet again, I'll show you to your rightful place and retrieve my throne.

I jog if not run down the hall to the royal room. I swing the doors open and immediately bow.

"Your majesty," I breathe.

"Please, I've told you, it's Lucifer," he replies. I look up aiming to ask a question but I am caught off guard. I see myself. Tyler and I, the first day we were ever here together, inspecting every detail hand in hand. I skip a beat.

"Boy, what are you seeing?" Lucifer calls from the throne.

"Just, a memory, that's all," I reply hesitantly watching the figures fade away, "What brings you back?"

"I'm just visiting, I'll be gone soon," Lucifer says, stroking the gold of the throne pleasantly.

"I don't mean to pry, but you left so suddenly it threw all of us off-" I begin but he cuts me off with a sharp snap.

"Never mind that, I just have a question before I go."
"Why are you doing this, Troye?"

I know what he means.

"Because-," I mumble.

"Because why, Troye?" Lucifer prys.

"Because the angels need to be stopped," I speak slowly, the idea coming from nowhere but suddenly seeming like the most passionate thought I've ever had.

"Good. Good. I'll see you again, Troye. Don't dissapoint me, now," He calls as he walks away. I look to where he sits and see another image of my past self, running my hands nervously over the metal of the throne. I walk out in the hall, startled. I turn to see another image of Tyler and I walking down the hall laughing. I shake the memory away, groping at the wall for support as I see past memories fading in and out around me. I reach my room, it's Tyler and I again, arguing and pointing fingers at each other, the night after I left him on the balcony. Then it's just Tyler, sitting on my bed and I see myself walk in, Tyler flinching as I walk past. When did he become so afraid of me? I walk over, holding my hands out to the figures. They fade away and I spin around the room, looking for another one. I see my mirror, fallen over and cracked, and I walk over. I prop it up again, looking closely in it. A boy with blue eyes stares back.

Eternal War (Troyler AU Sequel/ Destiel AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz