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This is for those of you who don't watch Supernatural (don't blame you tbh) but still want to read the Troyler part of this. So here is some info on the Supernatural characters that will take part in this book. Here we go. This might include spoilers up to s09e17 for those of you who do watch supernatural.


Often referred to as Cas, he is an angel of the lord. He is super bad ass sometimes but most of the time he is awkward and doesn't understand a lot of human things and references. He is tall, but shorter than both Sam and Dean, with dark hair and eyes quite possibly more blue than Troye's. He is played by the actor Misha Collins in Supernatural. Anyway, for the purpose of this book, he will be kind of shipped with Dean but it isn't canon. He also is always in a tan trenchcoat, with a black suit and white button down and blue tie that he never changes out of because his angel powers also include magical dry cleaning powers idk. Yeah, he has angel powers that allow him to kill, heal and transfer images and stuff with the touch of his fingers to someone's forehead. He has an angel blade that kills both demons and angels. He has died a few times,but so has everyone else on Supernatural, and come back to life. His grace is what gives him power and he lost that few times too but ya know it's life. Anyway he has his grace right now for this book. But yeah, he's the dorky yet insanely hot angel. Also, he doesn't have visible wings to humans, just like Troye and Tyler but other angels and demons can see his full form for the sake of this book.


Dean is a sarcastic, womanizer who is secretly a big ball of cuteness. He is played by the actor Jensen Ackles. He is often wearing flannels btw. He has some pretty dang hot muscles, green green green eyes and short, brown hair. shorter than Sam but taller than Cas. He's actually 6'1 (cas is 6") but because Tyler and Troye are pretty short and I want them about the same height, Troye will be the same height as Castiel (6"). Dean cracks jokes all the time and loves food. He would do anything for Sam or Cas and he has. Dean has been to hell and back, literally. He has died a few times too, well a lot of times, on a Tuesday. He is super bad ass and hardcore and once was a demon but got purified back into human because Sam was not about that. Sam was however all about leaving Dean in purgatory while he hit a dog with a car.. Dean is currently human but he has the mark of Cain, which makes him want to kill, and it brings out the demon in him sometimes. The first blade is the weapon that goes with the mark of Cain and makes Dean so some questionable stuff when he has it. It is also the only thing that can kill the King of Hell (for the purpose of this story, Crowley, the Supernatural king of hell, will go back to his former job as a soul salesman or whatever you call it). So, yeah, Dean the one who's always ready for a hunt and super loyal to the people he loves.


Sam is an intelligent moose. That's all you need to know.

I'm just kidding. Sam is super smart and strategic, He does a lot of research. He always has a wifi connection. He hasn't cut his hair in a long time so it is currently a little short of Fabio length. He once a demon once too. He loves Dean a lot and get pretty funny but mostly serious. He is like super tall and has freaking amazing muscles and a jawline you could probably cut vegetable on. He has some brown eyes and brown hair. He finds solutions to most of the Winchesters problems. ALSO Sam is super cute and pulls the puppy dog look all the time. He is super sassy too, Sassy Sam. But, Yeah Sam who almost went to college and lived a nice life but got sucked into hunting evil and dying and drinking demon blood. Drinking the demonblood is what turned him demon but he also has had demon blood in him since he was a baby.


Sam and Dean's parents were both killed by demons. Mary, the mom was killed when Sam was a baby and Dean was like 4. John, the dad was killed to save Dean. AND ALSO THE WHOLE POINT OF SUPERNATURAL IS SAVING PEOPLE, HUNTING THINGS- THE FAMILY BUSINESS. I should have mentioned that first but yeah they hate vampires, werewolves, wendigos, shapeshifters, ghouls, ghosts, demons, eventually angels and so on and so forth. So those are the main characters who will be featured. If you watch Supernatural it will rip your heart to shreds more than the Troyler drought we are suffering from right now. I still recommend it. Also some other characters who might show up or be spoken about/mentioned.


He was an amazing hunter who kind of fostered Sam and Dean after John died. Dead and in heaven now. Kind of surly but has a big heart deep down and loves Sam and Dean to death. Had the lumberjack look.


Mega badass adorable teddy bear who helped the Winchesters once then kind of got sucked into the hunting life and helps out Sam and Dean. Redhead with an energetic personality and total gamer girl.

TOTAL DICKWAD who tried to be God and cast all angels to Heaven but they're back now after Cas got him caught. Really old, was the scribe of God, total dick. 0/10

A knight of hell who gave dean the mark of cain. Dean killed him very recently.


Was a prophet but Sam killed him while posessed. Really worried, adorable little asian.

That should be all you need to know to get the just of what's going on. For those of you obsessed with Troyler and Supernatural, you're welcome. ENJOY. This is gonna be one hell of a ride.

Eternal War (Troyler AU Sequel/ Destiel AU)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα