final battle part 2

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Songs called sad war enjoy the chapter!  (warning this chapter has A LOT of strong language)

djs pov

i reluctantly left. quietly sneaking out the window by the door and climbing down the side. the inside of the tower was filled with to many mobs to count. i got to the bottom and held out my arms for duck to jump into. when he did i sat him down on the ground and we continued. i sniffed the air. ok there's a faint cent of mobs coming from the right, ok sew me i have like a sixth cent for tracking! but don't let jess know. flashbacks of my dreams from before flash through my mine causing me to gasp. i am living my nightmares. i snap back to reality and ran, i already know where im going.

i make it to the outside of a cave and creep in i make my way down a long narrow hallway until i enter a large dark room. my foot steps echo even though im walking as quietly as physically possible. i finally reach the center of the room and stop. this isn't like my dream! a bright light shines down directly on me blinding me for a second but my eyes quickly adjusts. duck is standing a foot or two in front of me growling, his back hunched, his eyes quickly scanning back and forth through the area, in a stand like hes guarding me

i draw my bow and set an arrow in it lowering it but so if i need to i can quickly aim and fire it at anything that comes at me. the room suddenly comes to life. its a huge room. netherock walls a river of lava swirling around along the walls "faith im so glad you could make it." a low terrifying voice cackles. "get the hell out here herobrine! show yourself!" i shout. i should be scared out my wits but in to furious to be. the voice pauses a minute, like its shocked im not scared before a figure comes out the corner smirking "what the fuck did you do with Jessica and tyler!" i scream angrily saying their full names he laughs before motioning over to the one dark corner of the room. i look over and a light shines down lighting the area. ty and jess are both chained up on the wall beaten to the pulp. at first i am shock but only for a split second. then i feel more angered then ever before, like i could physically melt the world in i wanted to just by looking at it. my head shoots over to look at herobrine. he looks at me and jumps back a step, like i frightened him, he laughs evilly "well, well, looks like your mad huh?" he smirked meeting my glares "we've been watching your every move faith. and we've found something." he paused like he wanted me to say something, so i did "ok really what you find out?" i asked sarcastically causing him to chuckle "these two meant something more to you, i mean yes you love your other friends but these two you cared more about then anyone else. so it was just a matter of waiting for the perfect time to take them from you." he smiled wickedly, it sickened me

tys pov

i heard fast paced footsteps coming this way. i groan in pain almost to sore to move but i manage to look up, a bright light flips on shining down on a figure in the middle of the room, DJ! dj and duck glare around the room ready to kill, her eyes were pitch black, she was pissed. the room suddenly lights up and the lava pit gets uncovered "faith im so glad you could make it." the low terrifying voice cackles. "get the hell out here herobrine! show yourself!" she shouts completely fearless. i almost gasp in shock she should be scared out her wits ! herobrines voice pauses a minute, like hes as shocked as me before his figure comes out the corner smirking "what the fuck did you do with Jessica and tyler!" she scream angrily saying are full names he laughs before motioning over to the one dark corner of the room where we are. she looks over and a light shines down on us. she stares at us shock on her face for a split second. then she her eyes turn again, this time to what I've never seen before and based off jess's gasp neither has she, her eyes turned to a blood red. her head shoots over to look at herobrine and he looks at her and jumps back a step, he laughs evilly "well, well, looks like your mad huh?" he smirked meeting her glares "we've been watching your every move faith. and we've found something." he paused "ok really what you find out?" she asked sarcastically through gritted teeth causing him to chuckle "these two meant something more to you, i mean yes you love your other friends but these two you cared more about then anyone else. so it was just a matter of waiting for the perfect time to take them from you." he smiled wickedly, wait what? i mean jess is her sister but me? "im. going. to. fucking. kill. you." she says in a low voice, her hair covering her face so no one can see her eyes. "come now faith, do you really think you can beet me?" he chuckles her head shoots up her eyes blazing, "MY NAME IS NOT FAITH ITS DJ!" she screams running at him droping her bow and drawing her sword. herobrine draws his own sword and an epic battle begins. they are blocking and hitting at eachother at such a fast paste it hurt my eyes to watch, like two gods are fighting eachother, dj the whole time with the upper hand. poor duck doesn't even know what to do, he turns around and runs over to us, before chewing on the chains breaking them so we fall to the ground. the whole time we watch the battle go, dj jumps up and jumps off the side of the wall coming in for the final deadly blow. she screamed in fury and what happens next i cant believe. a bright flash blinds me and jess and when i goes away i feel like a peace of my heart just got ripped out. djs standing infront of herobrine her eyes wide. a sword going striate through her chest. she slowly looks down at the sword. a tear falls from her eye, shes speechless. she looks back up at herobrine shaking he laughs evilly "NOOOOOO DJJJJJ!" jess screams a deafening scream, you can hear the pain in her voice, and it hits me like another blow. dj looks over at us still shaking from what i don't know, pain, anger, terror, or maybe all three "s-s-s-sorry" she stammers before collapsing to the ground

hey guys trix here! again don't worry im gonna update another chapter , im legit gonna start working on it the second i upload this one! but but poor dj :.(

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