holy budder balls!& baby ender part 1

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( z song is called let it blow z minecraft parody of let it go and its awesome because I LOVE TNT!!! the video was going to be the parody to AC/DC tnt but watt pad don't like that song so, make sure to check it out on youtube because its a really cool song too!)

djs pov

i get up and walk into the main room, "sup bros what we doing today?" i ask cheerfully the others smile "we are going to find the end portal!" adam jess jason and mitch yell at the top of their lungs "cool lets go already!" i yelled back racing over to the chest room and getting armor and weapons and running back "god, your excited" tyler exclaims "well, im bored" i snap back

----------------MagICal TiMe SkiP--------------------------

me and the others are exploring a deep dungeon , mitch and ash in the front followed by bodil bash quintin ian jerome simon tyler adam ty and in the very back me and jess. i hummed the rhythm of the minecraft version of AC/DC tnt while we walked, surprisingly we haven't ran into many mobs, but the place still sent chills up my spine and i couldn't help but feel like some one or something was watching us.

then we saw it, THE PORTAL! "guys look!" ian yelled excited. and we started to celebrate, jumping up and down and dancing. "uh. oh." jerome said staring over tords the portal completely still "whats wrong bacca?" i asked but then i saw them. it looked like a giant wave of mobs coming through the halls heading striate for us i yelped "prepare to fight!" mitch yelled, we were probably out numbered about 30 to 1 . it was long before i started getting tired from fighting them all off "guys i don't think we can fight them all, were screwed!" jess yelled from beside me.  "but we have to keep going!"  bodil yelled " dj you doing ok?" mitch asked "uh aside the state we're in and im actually doing ok with the sword even though i cant fight worth a crap, i'd say pretty good" i shouted back over to him, as i sliced through another zambie. we got it down to about 10 mobs left when more than before started to come "where the fuck are all these things coming from!" i panted i did my best hitting them left and right "can't stop won't stop!" jess yelled . hit block slice dodge, i killed another one when a enderman came from behind and grabbed me i screamed and jess turned to me a look of terror in her eyes "DJ!!!!" she yelled, i screamed in pain as the fricking things grip got tighter, it was going to pop me like a balloon! more and more zambies poured in and started attacking the others, blocking them from me. is this really the end of me?

jess's pov

i heard a loud scream come from behind me i fight off the spider attacking me and turn around horrified by what i see. and enderman was holding dj by the head its grip tightening squashing the life from her she bared her teeth pulling at its arms and kicking trying to free herself "DJ!!!!" i yelled starting to run over to her but more and more zambies and creatures poured in blacking her from me so that i couldn't reach her. angry tears filled my eyes, no way in hell they were killing my sis, I've been missing her for the last 13 years your not taking her away from mee again! i screamed a battle cry and started killing them faster and faster, plowing through them, but there were just to many, i caught another glimps at dj, she fell to her knees her eyes closed tightly shut "aurgh!" she yelled still trying to fight back at the enderman, but it was completely useless. i faught more and more zambies skeletons and spiders off before i had killed all the ones near me so i had a second before 're-enforcements' arrived  i turned around, dj's fighting seem to weakin, her body turning limp "nooo!" i screamed, i tried to move tords her but my feet seemed as they had been glued down. suddlenly out of no where a dood came in and stabbed the enderman with his sword killing it enstantly, dj fell to the ground, he ran over to her and knelt by her side along with another dood. i would have ran over to but the monsters caught  up to me and started attacking again, i drew out my sword but, more people ran out from the shadows and killed them all. i stared blankly around the room, every last mob was dead, the others lookd around just as confused as i was, then i snapped back to reality  and ran over to dj and the two players. plz plz PLZ be okay.

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