final battle part 1

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Songs called the herobrine and its not really five hours long i just couldn't fine the shoter version that would work on wattpad so, hope you enjoy! :)
djs pov

me and ashley walked back to camp laughing about how funny jess looked when i scared her. when we finally arrived back at camp everyone was seated around the fire smoking some fesh. "hey guys! wheres jess?" adam asked looking up at us i turned around to check "well, she had to get her sword that she dropped when i scared her so she should be right behind us, but, you never know, maybe she saw some sheep or something and went of hunting it, whatever it was she'll be back in 10 minutes at least." ashley explained . they shrugged and went back to cooking. "um i'll go look for her" ty stated before walking off "ok but if you ruin her hunt she'll have you instead of the sheep!" i call over my shoulder before taking his spot.

tys pov

i know i haven't known jess for all that long but surely she wouldn't just get up and leave to hunt sheep without telling anyone, even if she thinks sheep are the most horrorble things in minecraft. i walked and walked farther and farther into the woods, it was so eary. not a sound nore a sole in sight. i should have gotten dj to come with me, or duck. since they're the only ones who are good at tracking. i continued on until i realized the forest got really dark. "uh oh this can't be good" i gulped getting a flash back to the first day here, when dj got shot, but reluctantly went on. i was getting real worried until i came upon  the end of the path, there was a rock wall in the way, i lit a torch to see better and i was nearly nocked off my feet with what i saw.

on the ground was jess's sword, and it looked like a massive struggle here. i moved the light up and about screamed by what i saw. 'your time ends now' was written on the wall, in blood. "oh my god!" i exclaimed backing up, i need to get the others. i was about to run back with something hit me in the back of my head, and i was out.

djs pov

ty had been gone for about five minutes when we heard a stick brake in the woods "ty your back! did you fined jess? or wait are you jess and did you kill ty for ruining your hunt!" i joked not looking up. an arrow flew a inch away from my ear a d ashley screamed. i turned to her and she, along with the others were staring into the woods. duck growled and began barring his teeth. uh oh, my head shot up, i gasped. mobs. and millions of them. enderman, creepers, wither skeletons, skeletons, zambies,cave spiders, blazes, you name it, it was here "did someone not close the portal!?" i screamed "no! everyone closes there portals to the nether it was ordered!" vikk yelled back as the mobs began to pour at us, theres no way i can shoot them, theres to many of them coming to close, i un hooked my sword from my belt. here goes nothing. we fought or best them off, me being one of the weaker ones as far as the sword fighting goes and i killed at least 40 of them. i had just killed of another slime when someone grabbed me and through me into a tent. "you and duck stay hidden!" rob ordered i was about to protest but the look on his face told me how serious he was about this, so i kept quiet. me and duck ran over and hid in the basket of apples, listening to the others fighting. "no!" mitch screamed. i peaked through some of the apples to see my friends with their hands tied. they'd been captured. but wait, mobs don't capture players, they kill them on spot! these ones weren't though, they had been ordered to capture us alive, but by who? i shook my head before looking again, i know who it was, herobrine.

"ow!" jerome yelped glaring at a wither skeleton as they pushed them along, probably to some prison or something. suddenly a creeper turned to look my way, i held my breath please don't fined me plz plz plz don't fine me. it walked into the tent suspiciously looking around. but it shook its head and followed the others out of camp and disappeared into the shadows of the trees. i waited a second to make sure they were all gone before jumping out and running into the middle of camp. looking around in horror, there was corpses of mobs laying everywhere, and everyone was gone. i turned to my right and saw a message writin on the trees 'another group as risen and fallin, this was the closest group to finishing this, and now there is no hope.' . tears weld up in my eyes. damn it, this game is bringing out the worst in me, i haven't cried this much in 13 years! i shook snapping me back to reality, quickly wiping my tears. "my friends are gone, yes. but the hell theres no hope left. theres always hope! so shut the f*ck up already. you forgot me. and yes i might be the smallest out of all us, but don't think that makes me gawd damn weak! im a hell of a lot stronger then you'll ever be. and i sware to god i you so much as lay a figure on my sister or my friends ILL KILL YOU ALL YOU HEAR ME ILL KILL YOU ALL!" i screamed raging 2015. i didn't even wait to put on my armor, "come on duck lets go." i growled, my eyes were deffenintly black as possible.

i reached down to the dirt, ok this is clay, the came from by the mountains. i took of running.

jeromes pov

we were forced along until we reached a strange tower. we slowly made are way up until at the very top of it there was a room. a witch walked over opening the door and forcing us in, they one by one   untied us before chaining us to the wall on the left side of the room geezes dj plz fined us plz plz plz fined us. i hope adam can find ty and jess. he disserved her more than i do as hard as it is for me to say it.  most of the mobs left until there was only three witches guarding us, and gawd do they ramble. i was about to loose all hope when the door opened ever so slightly, i looked up two pairs of black eyes staring up at me, dj and duck we had a conversation with out even saying a word

( jerome and dj)

dj get you and duck outa here go save the other two!

no! im not leaving y'all

dj theres no way there witches over there and they can  easily call the other mobs back go. save. jess. and. ty. please. for me dj.

fine. have it your way.

hey guys trix here! don't worry ill update again today so just hang in on there! anyways guys thanks for reading cya then! leave a vote comment and a oreo down below and peace out! :)

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