raging bulls

17 1 3

( song is called where my diamonds be sure to check it out! )

ok short thanks to z wonderful nikki who helped me come up wit this idea earlier cause im in the middle of a huge writers block and shes helped me a lot with the last chapter and this chapter so yeah! thx creeper! and you best update or so help me!!!!!! anyways enjoy the chapter! :)

adams pov

i woke up and looked around everyone was asleep, we all must've passed out. i tried to get up but something was holding me down, i looked down and saw jess fast asleep in my lap, causing me to smile. after about 5 minutes everyone started waking up other then the girls but eventually jess and dj woke up too. dj slowly lifted her head looking derpily over at us still half asleep, "im hungry." she stated in a small voice causing us to all laugh "ok sweetly why don't we get some food in you." ashley said sounding like her mother and helping her up, before every one started to head in tords the kitchen, me and jerome in the back.

i was walking casually behind when i was pulled into a room by jerome and he looked pissed "what?" i asked confused. "you like jess don't you?!" he yelled catching me off guard "i..i..uh.....yeah." i stumbled for words, i didn't want anyone to know! but when i came up blank i had to tell the truth , but why would bacca care? unless.. "wait. you do too! you like jess!" i yelled back and he jumped back at my out burst "well, yeah i do but you keep making it impossible to talk to her, its ridiculous!" he yelled back "ok ok shut up that's bull i never..." i started to say but the door flew open. me and jerome quickly turned to see what happened i froze in fear. dj was standing in the middle of the door way her eyes blazing like she was staring into our soals "dj! i..uh..we.." me and jerome started fumbling for words "no! don't even try to explain yourselves!" she yelled back her eyes getting more and more dark "dj, how long have you been standing there?" jerome asked his voice quivering "long enough, what is wrong with you two!? your in hear fighting and aguing over her like shes not even a person! like yorur two little kids fights over a toy! shes my sister! my f*cking twin sister! and for the record, neither of you are going to date her without my approval first! and right now, you can forget it! this game , this stupid game! it took away my most dearest friend and gave me my long lost sister, and now, its turning two of my only friends against eachother! this is the most sickest since of humor I've ever seen! i just!" she screamed before running out of the room leaving us speechless. i immediately forgave jerome and we both raced after her. we ran to the kitchen looking for her "hey guys." ashley and jess greeted us cheerfully "WHEES DJ!" we screamed worried they looked at us confused "she went to go get you two a little bit ago, why?" vikk asked confused "no time to explain!" we shouted back before running off searching the entire place, but no sign of dj or duck. we ran out of the court yard to the meadow and eventually made it to the woods. we looked at each other worried before making are way into the woods, after about 20 minutes we came to duck laying down at the bottom of the biggest tree in the wood, he looked up at us and growled before looking up to the top of the tree. we followed his glance up to the very top where a girl was seated, she was rolled up in a ball her face down so we couldn't see, but based off the purple jacket and headset it was dj, duck was growling and looked like he was about to attack me and jerome backed up some, god how'd she train her wolf so good "down duck" we heard a soft muffled voice say and he whined before sitting down. we looked up at her "dj? you ok?" jerome asked "i'm n-not coming d-down" we heard her sniffle before he looked over to me, "adam go get one of the others" i nodded and raced through the woods and into the kitchen where the others were hanging out, i burst through the door and everyone worriedly looked up at me "ty, me and jerome need your help, dj is crying up at the top of a tree and wont come down, and you and mitch are the only two who can climb trees other then her, and shes closest to you!" i blurted my words fading into eachother i was talking so fast, "ok show me." he said nodding and with that we both ran back until we were back beside jerome we pointed up and ty walked over and started climbing

tys pov

i observed the seen, jerome and adam were pacing back and forth duck looking sadly up at dj and dj had barricaded her self at the top of a tree. i made my way up the tree until i finally was next to dj, "dj?" i asked softly she looked up at me startled, her eyes had turned to a pale grey and she was crying "oh, dj." i sighed and she fell into my arms shaking from crying so hard. i rubbed her back doing my best to comfort her until she reluctantly calmed down "mined telling me whats wrong?" i asked softly she quickly shook her head no "ok then, can you come down now?" i asked hopefully she nodded and i picked her up and carried her down sitting her down on the ground. duck immediately, ran over and licked her face causing her to laugh and she petted him. i shook my head confused

jeromes pov

"dj?" i asked her head darted up and i gasped, she had been crying, i immediately felt guilty, she looked so upset. "hmm?" she asked looking up at us "..nothing" "im still hungry." she mumbled causeing us to laugh and we headed back.

jess's pov

when the others came back dj was with them, thank god. i smiled happily before i saw her up close, her eyes were a pale grey starting to turn back to brown. i shook it off and went back to reality, i'll ask her later.

---time skip to the night, yas ii skipped the whole day deal wit it---

"well, im heading too bed cya!" i yawned "yeah me too" dj smiled and we both headed up stairs, " dj?" good gawd, "yeah?" "why were you crying earlier?" i asked

djs pov

"oh, well... you see, gosh i didn't want you to know, well, honestly, i had a really scary bout our parents and the fire, and just broke down, ii ran away cause i never wanted you to see me like that so, well, now you know" i smiled sheepishly, yus nailed it best lie ever! i know sky and bacca don't want her to know so i wont tell. she believed me completely "oh, its ok sis, to be honest i have those too." she smiled softly "well, im still tierd sooo night!" i laughed and before i knew it i was out

-------awesome A/N so read------

hey guys trix here wit an awesome announcement! tomorrow me and my pa are going to be on "a vacation" up in Virginia for a hole week! i so happy! hes taking a class up dere and i haven't been on vacation for at least 3 years so im gonna go wit him and hang at the hotel by the pool and in the room while he's in class sooo that means... MORE UPLOADS! YAY!!!! annyways guys thx for reading make sure to slap that vote button wit your headset and leave a comment and oreo down bellow! my name is trix and peace out! ;p

BTW: i am mommentarly lost my phone, i have no idea what so ever where i put it so if your reading this chapter and theres no parody vid now you know why!

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