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djs pov

i slowly woke up and walked into the main room, everyone was there "hey doods." i yawned, still half asleep. "sup dj bout time!" adam laughed i rolled my eyes. and walked over to the kitchen grabbing a bight to eat before coming back into the main room. "so whats the plan?" i asked taking a big bight of an apple. "dunno yet." ian stated "ooo ooo lets go camping!" jess blurted and we all agreed. me jess, preston ty and jason ran into our room and grabbed some camping gear along with are armor and weapons, you never know when you'll need them. with in about 30 minutes we all met back up outside. "dj where's your gear?" rob asked confused as i walked out with nothing but my apple, i laughed and pointed over to duck, "ducks holding it all in the bag on his back, aint that right duck!" he barked and jess shook her head "what?" i asked confused "you and that wolf. oh well, your my little wolf." she smirked and i glared "really?! why you do dis? im only a little shorter than you, and i was born first!" "you were born 2 minutes before me so shut up and no matter what you'll always be my little wolf." she laughed ruffleing my hair so it would go farther over my face, i growled and flipped it out of my face before we all left. we didn't exactly no where we were going just walking thtrough the woods. jason fesh ian and adam were in the front teasing eachother jerome mitch Lachlan and vikk were laughing and jokeing infront of me, me jess ty adam and poofls (preston and rob) were chatting and the others were trailing not far behind us. "so rob whats up in your world?" i asked curious "well, i was hanging with a group until we got split up in a dungeon , then i was helping out some peoples with some quests, then i was solo walking around and then i ran into your crew and thought id hang out with you all!" he stated before looking at me and jess funny "what?" jess sassed "oh nothing its just, i don't know never mined, anyways are you two like cuzins or something?" "who me and wolfy? yeah we're twin sisters" jess smiled proudly "I KNEW IT! YOUR THE CRAFTINGTWINS!" he blurted, i chuckled "well, yeah, the irony is we didn't realize we were actually sisters until we met up here! we just thought we had a lot in common and went with it!" i grinned causing him to laugh.

we were talking bout parkour when mitch stopped causing me to bump into him "what the heck dood?" "oh sorry wolfy but we found the place!" he apoligiesed. i looked ahead. the most beautiful place, the forest was thinned out some and there was a desent sized clearing, a pond and like a mini mountain about a minute away "woah" jess said in shock "yup this is the place!" quintin stated. "well, lets set up the tent" i called over to our group, we had three large tents so we'd be sharing with the same people we were sharing the house with. "WE CALL MIDDLE TENT!" me and jess yelled in unison "you have no idea how creepy that is." ashley giggled and we high fived "ok girls you sit back dis is mans work." ty and jason declared trying to look all tough and preston followed behind them "ok no problem there." me and jess snickered, this otta be good. i leaned aginst a tree creeper standing next to me.

jess's pov

i stood back and watched, dis otta be good! dj was standing next to me the same smirk on her face, bet shes thinking the same thing.

lets just say when they were done it looked more like a disaster area. i laughed before walking over dj following close behind me "now now move out the way boys this is creeper and wolfy's work." i stated pushing past them. me and wolf exchanged glances and automatically understood each other without even speaking and with in minutes we had the tent fixed up right, he nodded in approval of our work before looking over to the boys, their jaws were gaping "ho-wha-bu-how!?!?!" jason exclaimed "no fair you used that telepathic talk thing that twins have!" ty pouted causing everyone to laugh "no its called directions." dj stated rolling her eyes and holding up the manual for it.

---------------time skip--------------

it was starting to get dark so we built up a camp fire. "hey wheres dj?" Lachlan asked worried "oh probably in a tree somewhere ill go look" i sigh "me too!" ashley stated and we walked off. we looked about 5 minutes before i heard a ruffling of leaves "dj?" i called no answer. i drew my sword alittle "DJ?" i called a little loud i heard a growl from behind and before i could react was tackled to the ground "ahh!" i screamed my sword falling out of my hand and sliding acoss the ground. "AHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHA" dj laughed histarically and getting off me i scrambled to my feet"ugh women when you gonna stop this?" i asked rolling my eyes "when adam hates budder!" she yelled back "come on lets go back" ashley chuckled and they turned to go back "jess you coming?" dj called over her sholder "yeah one sec im gonna get my sword go ahead!" i called after them but they had already disappeared "great" i thought aloud walking over to the rock wall where my sword was. i leaned over to get it when something grabbed me from behind. i try to scream but they put their hand over my mouth. i kicked and punched and squirmed but it was no use. two more came up behind me and gagged me and put a blindfold over my eyes, the first one pinned my hands behind my back and tied them up. i kicked with all my might but they tied around my ankles so it was completely useless, i was prisoner of them. i felt a sharp sting in my neck and immediately felt sleepy, and before i knew it i was out cold.

forever falling (fan-fic teamcrafted)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang