the market

22 1 4

(song above is named eclipse by minecraft universe so make sure to check it out!)

tys pov

another day bites the dust as i wake up. looking around my room before coming down stairs. everyone minus dj and jess were in the living room. sky was pacing back and forth worriedly. "whats up?" I asked curiously  "the twins are missing!" ashley yelled back stressed out "what the fuck? how?" i asked confused "we don't know!" mitch yelled back a worried tone in his voice i walked over and looked out the balcony trying to clear my head what? missing, no way. i was in the middle of my thoughts when i notice to figures playing out in a meadow. *mental face palm* i laughed "what?!?" jason asked/yelled "looked" i managed to breath and they all ran over.

dj and jess were playing around outside. chasing eachother and messing around. dj through a hand full of mud in jess's face before running dead sprint to a large tree and climbed up in before sitting down on a branch about half way up, jess glared "hey no fair! you ran cross-country and i cant climb trees like you do irl and minecraft!" dj laughed. but was interrupted in the mix of it by getting a patch of mud thrown at her. it hit her smack in the side of the head and nocked her down. she landed on her back on a soft patch of grass under the tree and pulled down jess to lay down next to her. the both looked up at the sky gazing at the clouds in awe. I turned to the others to see tyler shaking his head and laughing to himself "they're 17 and still act like 7 year olds" he chuckled and ashley rolled her eyes "come on lets go get em" she smiled and we all made are way down before finally stopping in front of them. dj squinted up at us blocking the sun with her hand "oh hey guys" she smiled warmly "geez you guys act like little kids still!" i laughed and she smiled devilishly "oh do we now?" she grinned before grabbing a hand full of mud and throwing it at me hitting me smack in the forehead "ow! aye get back here!" i yelled as she and jess ran away from us. i chased after them and threw a mud ball at jess causing her to trip up and they both fell to the ground in a tangle laughing their heads off . jess glared up at me before smirking and throwing more mud at me, i dodged and it hit jerome. and before we knew it we had a muddy war. me jess and dj vs the others. we lost miserably.

once we were all done we started to walk through the woods just having a good time. about noon time we stopped and ate some bread before heading home.

djs pov

on our way a wolf started following me. according to the others  it was quiet funny actually!

i looked over my shoulder to see a small mangey wolf trailing me "what? a wolfy? shoo go away!" i ordered and it disappeared into some bushes.  i turned back to face where i was walking so i didn't trip over my own feet, when bodil and simon, followed soon by the others started to laugh "what?!?" i asked confused beyond repair " your friends back!" bodil answered in between giggles. i turned to look and the little thing was once again following close behind me " NO BAD WOLF SHOO FLY DONT BODDER DIS WOLFY!" i demanded and it ignored me the others started to laugh even harder. "NO GO AWAY!" i shouted at the top of my lungs, it showed no signs of notice to my cries "noo!" i cried out before taking off dead sprint "hey wait up!" i heard jerome yell in the distance, i slowed down a little so they could all catch up and began running again. we ran all the way home! jess quintin adam tyler bodil and ian collapsed to the ground huffing and puffing, while simon bash ashley jason and jerome leaned over with their hands on their knees trying to catch their breath. me ty and mitch were the only ones still standing striate "i- i think we lost him." i scoffed in between gasps for air, but... i spoke to soon. i turned my head to see a tiny wolf come out of the woods happily and sat down in front of me, its head tilted to the side. "oh dear gawd." mitch exclaimed. "welp, looks like someone got a new pet!" tyler laughed "what you gonna name em?" ashley looked curiously up at me. "hmmm, i think i'll name him, duck" i thought aloud and announced proudly "duck? why duck?" jess asked confused "because. come here duck!" i state simply before clapping my hands and calling him over to me before petting him . ty laughed "how'd you tame him anyways?" "dunno, you saw, he just liked me i guess." i replied "derp she's wolfy naturally the wolves come right up to her!" ashley teased. i rolled my eyes "whatever, but hey its been a while since we were at spawn, and i read up on the book we  got from the wither, turns out that's a mob free area, where pvp is disabled as well, and lots of players and villagers have been hanging out there, why not visit?" i asked the others and they agree to go " knowing you one of the only reasons you wanna go is because there are restaurants there!" jess laughed well, that does  play a part in it

-------majestic buddery wolfy time skip to when they get to the village------

we walk into town and its the most beautiful amazing thing ever! little kids playing in the cobblestone streets, food carts lined up on the sides  filled with wonderful foods, so many shops, restaurants, and gathering places  everywhere! "so its true then, people gave up on risking their lives on the lines (where you battle mobs and stuffs) and started to settle down in large cities" ashley said, it is kind of sad. there had to be at least around 4 thousand players here, and i haven't seen more then about 2-3 other groups of peoples out side of here.

"so im hungry where should we go? theres a sandwich shop there, soup kitchen there, steak place there.." "um we got steak and stuff at our base,  why not go to the soup kitchen?" mitch concludes and we all agree.

we walk in and surprisingly the place isn't that crowded. we sit down at a large table in the back corner of the place and a lady comes up and gives us each a big bowl of rabbit stew. "on the house." she smiles friendly "what? why?" jess asks confused "well, after the first year or so of being here most people lost hope  in getting back home and decided it best to make a living in one of the 8 cities on the server where they would be safe from mobs an robbers. your probably only the 4-5 group I've seen come through here in the since then that are living out on the lines. and since your fighting so hard for the sake of us ever going home, it seems only polite to give you something in return. oh and here's some pork for your little dog there." the lady smiles " oh, well thanks ms!" mitch smiles before she walks away. "only 4-5 group? we've been stuck here for a year and a half! and this is a really busy place!" i sigh "well, guess that only tells us how important we are to these peoples." jess says aloud "yeah." bash agrees.

we finish are food before buying some stuff from some shops, and heading home. every once and a while a couple people would gaze up at us in awe, it was kinda cool.

when we finally got home it was sunset, i made duck a doggy bed and he passed out in my room. i walked back out quietly and into the living room, plopping down next to ty where we all chatted for  a while before bashur got the 'great'  idea to tell scary stories. tyler was the first to tell one. whenever the monster jumped out i screamed and buried my face in tys chest.

whenever tyler was finally done telling his horrifying story me jess and ashley were scared out our wits. "welp, im tired lets go to bed. "quintin yawned before him bash bodil simon and ian got up and walked off to bed like nothing happened. jerome took one look at us three before stating " um, how bout we all sleep in jess and djs room, considering the fact you girls looked scared half to death!" and me jess and ash nodded our heads viciously. we walked down the hall to our room before we all found somewhere comfortable to sleep, me ash and jess passed out sprawled across the two beds , and ty and adam passed out with their backs propped up against the side of the beds. as for the others mitch jerome and tyler fell asleep on me and jess's couch and jason fell asleep on the ground next to duck. i smiled to my self before finally closing my eyes and drifting into a deep dreamless sleep.

hey guys! trix here! ja like the chapter!? i thought after that supreme sad part i would upload a happier chapter today! yay!

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