I'm sorry!

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I know I know. I've been gone for a while and haven't updated as planned but I have an excuse. Honestly!
I have never liked excuses but here I am. It's more than a reason. I hope you don't mind.

So last Wednesday I went to hospital and...yeah I had a huge operation the next day. Now I should have had time for writing before all that but I was all stressed and worried.
This operation was on my back. Baisically they cut it open and put rods in to straighten my spine. Let me tell you now: it wasn't fun.
I'm on heavy meds at the moment but I still want to write because walking is no longer a normality and takes loads of effort while sitting and writing can help distract me a bit.
Sort of.
It still hurts.
Ok I'll stop whining. I've barely gotten anywhere in the book So far so I'm really sorry. I will continue updating as much as I possibly can but reality may come to call all too often.
I will try my hardest to get you chapters asap but bare with me okay?
Hoping to update soon...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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