Chapter 2

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Mother had forgotten that I was starting at a new high school tomorrow. We had lived in America for just over a year now and this was my second school. Wind and Flame High School. The name seemed strange to me but I brushed it off quickly, there were stranger things in the world.

It wasn't private like my old one but I didn't mind, I was quiet in and out of classes so I had almost no friends and I wasn't prejudiced. Mother had thought that this would be some kind of punishment but I hadn't minded. Perhaps I could make some real friends there instead of just having the teachers nod at me as I leave the classrooms and the girls my age trying to invite themselves over.

I was a senior for my final year even though I was only 16. My higher education in England had me passing the other years standard but I had wanted to go to a school before college. I had recently had my birthday and I was slightly nervous that people in my classes would judge me based on my age.

I held more maturity than many my age, I had been told by Mrs Lee one day as I told her about my studies. I could only hope that she was right if I wanted to fit in.

It was almost midnight now as I sat up in bed reading a book. My walk around the back paths after my shower had calmed me greatly and I was becoming weary. I could hear the booming of music from a few miles away because it was so loud.

It must have been a party, I thought.

The noise wasn't enough loud enough to keep me awake so I put my book on the bedside table and slid down in my bed to fall into the abyss of sleep.

I could only pray as I drifted that tomorrow was as amazing as I expected.


Morning came too quickly and I was nervous as I got ready the next day. My stomach had lots of little butterflies trapped inside.

After showering with my lavender scented lotions to calm me I felt slightly better. I opened the curtains to my balcony windows before bushing my hair and admiring how my long brown ringlets seemed to have streaks of gold and red in amongst the boring colour.

I had a curvy figure for someone who was only 5"1, I detested my small height but it had helped when getting through crowded hallways quickly. My shape made it hard for me to find anything that fit in shops so mother had my clothes fitted privately.

I slipped a pair of black skinny jeans on with a lacy top with spaghetti straps and loose midriff. It was nearly always a sunny day here so I didn't bother with a jacket. My hair air dried quickly in a mess of curls and I slipped on shoes to complete my outfit. I felt no need for makeup at all, unless it was an occasion, so my naturally tan skin was free to breath.

My backpack had been packed since the evening before so I grabbed it and glanced at my alarm clock to see that I was right on time. Bustling through the entrance I headed to the red Lamborghini and driver waiting for me.

"Hey, Ed!" I greeted him with a small smile as I rushed to the back seat and swung my bag in next to me.

He was dressed in his usual suit behind the wheel. I had no licence for driving yet but I doubted mother would let me drive myself anyway.

"Morning little miss, you seem very excited for today. I thought you teenagers were supposed to hate high school. Especially starting at a new one. Did the lady of the house wish you luck on her way out?" His reply was friendly and comforting.

"Nope, she must have forgotten about it with that new project she's starting," I said with a slight pouting tone. "I am definitely excited though. I can't wait to see what all the people are like. Maybe it's better than my old one too. It might be easier to make some friends here and then we could have sleepovers! I mean, we have so much room and a few friends sleeping round won't hurt anyone. I really am excited!" the smile on my face was beginning to hurt but I was starting to ramble from nerves too.

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself, you need to make some friends first and get to know them. If you're thinking about sleepovers then, you should ask your mother if you're allowed"

My mood soured a bit but I kept quiet. I knew what mother would say. I would never be allowed to have friends round, even if I asked nicely.

The rest of the drive was silent and I was content to look at the scenery out of the window. When we did reach Wind and Flame High School there were plenty of people waiting around outside the entrance leading to the office. I noticed as we pulled up that nearly everyone was looking at me, or more pointedly, my car. It hadn't occurred to me that having someone drive me or even my flashy car would be unusual but I knew that I couldn't change anything now.

Climbing out and trying to quietly make my way to the office so I could collect my schedule I could hear the whispers as I passed by. I felt uncomfortable and watched. So I grabbed my schedule and turned to find somewhere more secluded and maybe find my first classes with the map but I bumped into someone full on as they rounded the corner.

"Ouch! Crap, where on earth did you come from; I swear there are too many short people popping up everywhere." An annoyed voice came from the girl as we pulled away, it was lucky that neither of us were going very fast.

I muttered a quick 'sorry' and tried to speed past her but then she spoke again.

"Hey, wait. You're that girl that came in that fancy car aren't you?" She didn't seem so irritated anymore.

I nodded as a form of reply, still too on edge to really speak.

"You seem okay. Ya know, you're polite for a rich kid. Not like some of the other ones here, that's for sure."

My eyes widen slightly with worry. There are other people that she obviously dislikes. I hope I'm not one of them. That and I really don't want to bump into them if they're that mean.

She glances at the expression on my face and takes a small step back. She leans down to peer into my green eyes with a strange look on her face while I look back into her crystal blues.

She mutters under her breath, "Oh dear lord, you're adorable -"

Then louder to actually speak to me. "I didn't mean to scare you, sorry. I'm Lois. Look, I can show you around if you like, the map they give out has no detail whatsoever so it's better if I do - wait, what's your name again?"


She started muttering again, "Name's just as cute as the rest of you, how am I meant to go on?"

And back to talking, "Okay Anya lets head off then and get you away from this crowd."

I followed her immediately. Though she was a loud person, she seemed to be really nice.

It would appear that I had made my first friend.



Okay, that is two updates in two days and I'm sorry but this probably won't be a regular thing but I will not take weeks over a chapter unless there's an emergency but I would let you know if that happens.

I thought this chapter was slightly better than the other partd do far and by the way...I'm sticking with Anya for the next chapter.

Any questions will be answered but first they must be asked so comment, vote, follow.

See ya soon reader,


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