Chapter 1

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"Dude c'mon, there's a party tonight at Josh's place. I bet loads of girls are gonna be there. To be quite honest, we both know that you need some de-stressing. These Alpha duties are getting to you and it's starting to show."

My best mate, Adam, was still trying to convince me to go out with him and start socialising like a normal 17 year old. I was getting tired of everyone thinking that I was stressed or something. I had been doing the same old stuff every week for the past year and a quarter when I gained my Alpha title so I could understand why they were concerned. But I was fine, at least I felt okay.

"Adam, I'm good. Don't worry so much about me." I replied

He had a sheepish smile on his face when I looked up from the paperwork on my desk.

"Well... I was kind of hoping that you would me my wing man for the night. For some reason the ladies think that you look cool, I bet they can just feel the power you hold and that's what they're after. That you can draw them in and I'm getting me some tail. You hardly ever get out now unless its school and no one can have fun there. Can't you help a brother out?"

I knew he wouldn't stop bugging me until I agreed to come, so I gave in. I had no interest in picking anyone up though. I knew to wait for the right one to come along.

My Mate.

I couldn't wait till I found her but I knew that it would be likely that I would have to wait till I was 18 in a couple of months for her to come along. It was the most common age to find your Mate or older. Seeing as I was an Alpha my one and only would probably come while I was at a younger age so that I had a female influence on my pack.

I was already in love with a person that I had yet to meet. It seemed silly so I had never told Adam but from the way my parents were I knew that my Mate would be something to be treasured.

I shook my head slightly to get out of the haze of happiness around my mind as two more people walked into my study room.

Adams sister Josie and her friend Hannah were also good friends of mine. We had grown up together, Adam and I were the closest which was probably because we had always known that he would be my Beta and second in command.

"Ad have you managed to convinced him to get his royally lazy ass outside for one night? I mean, no offence Oscar but the air is breathable in the other side of the door too." Josie remarked with a tone laced in sarcasm – as always. She could make anyone smile with her quick wit.

"Yes, I've been persuaded. I'll be joining you to the party but that doesn't mean that I'll be sticking around for long. That music makes my ears pound after and I actually want some sleep tonight. I hope that all of you do realise that today is a Sunday and that school starts again tomorrow."

This time it was Hannah who tried to reassure me, though I had already agreed.

"Why else would a party be on a Sunday unless school is starting, of course we're all aware of that fact. I'm sure the pack can go a night without its Alpha. Josh always hosts the best parties anyway so you should be able to just chill out for a bit. Promise that you'll stay for at least 2 hours. That's all we're asking." Hannah rarely teased, she always behaved shyly in my presence but it would seem that the girls had already started on a few drinks.

I laughed at her words while nodding to show that I would concede before standing up and grabbing my wallet and keys. The girls were dressed up already so they were only waiting for me now.


When we finally got to the party, it was in full swing. It was almost midnight now. The moon cast an eerie glow on the few people partying out front.

Josh had parents who were fairly rich and could afford to live in one of the much larger houses on my packs territory with his mate Lucy. They were both heading to college this year and were obviously celebrating in every sense of the word.

The music made my blood pump faster and going through the main entrance you were drowned in the mass of moving and gyrating bodies.

Adam followed me as I headed for the drinks in the kitchen, he was obviously keen for any of the women wondering about slightly tipsy. As he snatched up a purple bottle of WKD, I designated myself as the driver. With that in mind I went to a separate cooler for a bottle of water.

"Well aren't you handsome. Someone like you would normally have numerous girls hanging off you. Or are you waiting for me?" A forced husky but feminine voice came from behind me so I turned to face her.

She was human, there were many at the party but they didn't know of the not-so-mythical creatures surrounding them.

"Sorry, I just got here I'm afraid." I replied, trying to brush her off casually.

I started heading towards Adam again but she was persistently following me. When Adam spotted her though, I knew that he would take care of her. At least he got what he came for while ridding me of the pesky fly in neon.

Passing me he whispered "Thanks man that was a quick one."

'I know' I answered in the mind link. I wasn't necessarily pleased with the fact.

Heading back outside for some fresh air, I caught an alluring scent. It was like none other.

Following as far as I could I only found that it had drifted from the tree line. It was as if someone had brushed up against the trees several hours ago but I had no idea why I had caught it. Nothing should make it stand out particularly I tried to push it all to the back of my mind but my wolf was trying to surge forth from within, to tell me something. I didn't understand.


By the time I had managed to round everyone up and get back to the pack house, it was about 4:00 AM. All three of my friends were drunk, merely at different stages.

With moans and groans they managed to get out of my beautiful Jaguar and up to their rooms. I was lucky that no one threw-up on the way back.

I clambered to my own bed already regretting staying out so late and dreading the day ahead. My wolf was awake though. He was restless and had been ever since I had caught that small glimpse of a faded scent.

It had smelt like lavenders in bloom, a heady and calming fragrance. It left me so utterly curious.



Okay so that right there is Oscar. Yep not very amazing I know but please bear with me. I am so tired right now...meh...1:51 AM.

I really want to go to sleep now so I hope you like him so far but everything is meant to get more developed and hints will be dropped in the next few chapters too so don't go missing them.

Enjoy as best that you can. Thanksfor reading so far!

Sorry for any errors too I'm afraid.

See ya :) 


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