Chemistry X 2

Começar do início

"Uh..." I heard a beep from outside.

"Sooooooo??" she squealed.

I quickly grabbed my things unable to think clearly. "Um! Yeah, yeah sure! I got to go! Bye Lalonde!" I hurridly spoke into the phone and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and rushed out the door along with another beep. I quickly ran up the stairs in my usual seat. Golly! I sat down and took this time to catch my breath.

The bus continued moving and came to a halt a couple blocks away from my house. There Dirk was coming out of his house towards the bus. I usually just look at the ground and scoot over when be gets on, but now I'm just waiting to inform him about the sleep over. I watched as he walked up the steps and sat down besides me. I waited for the bus to start moving and the other students begin to chatter.

"Strider, I need you-" I was interrupted by him.

"I thought I said-" I interrupted him now.

"I know, I know! Just listen. Jade said she's having her friends stay over, but I need permission from their guardians first. Dave will be going over after school is that correct?" I asked. Dirk took a second and nodded. I smiled back. "Okay good. My Jade is a responsible young girl and since I have detention she'll be the only host. I wish I could be there to look after her..." I frowned. Dirk shrugged and kept his gaze ahead of him.

"I'm sure they'll all be alright," Dirk responded quietly. That made me smile for his reassurance. The rest of the bus ride we didn't talk... that was sort of our deal heh.

When I stepped off the bus I heard Jane scream my name. I turned towards the sound of the source and there I saw Jane rushing towards me with wide arms. I had to stand my ground and I prepared for her bear hug. "Jane!" I yelled back in surprise as she hugged me tightly. She let go and looked at me with excitement in her eyes. "What's got you all hyped up?" I chuckled.

Jane took a deep breath and squealed a little. "Remember that movie you wanted to see? The one that would've been sold out in a blink of an eye?" She asked smiling. I smirked and tilted my head.

"You didn't?" I asked.

"I did!!" She screamed. "I stayed up all night to win us two tickets to the movie this Saturday!" A big smiled spread along my face and I quickly hugged Jane along with a kiss to her cheek.

"Thank you so much Jane!! You don't know how much of what you did meant to me!" I laughed happily. Jane smiled back and I released her. She began leading the way into the school as we continued talking.

"I'd do anything for my best friend!" She giggled nervously. I smiled at that as we approached her locker. She quickly grabbed her supplies then we head towards my locker.

"Jane. You really are the best! I love you so much!" I yelled filled with happiness. I can't believe Jane would do something so sweet for me! She's such the lady! This movie will be magnificent! The real action packed film! Jane giggled as I opened my locker to grab my stuff.

"Anything for your happiness Jake!" She replied as she followed me to my first class. "I'll pick you up at six pm sharp Saturday! So be ready!" She stopped at my class door and looked behind her then back at me. "I should get going to my class now. Talk to you at lunch?"

I smiled and nodded. She smiled back and turned around to leaved. I sighed happily and walked past other desks to my own. Jane is the closest friend I have... I sat down and waited for class to begin.

I must have spaced out because the next thing I knew was that Strider's blonde friend, Lalonde, was waving her hand in my face.

"Huh? Yes?" I asked her puzzled. She laughed and she smiled. She sat herself on my desk and laughed some more.

Caught in a Strider's Web (Dirk X Jake)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora