Part 12

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Mi'kayla's Perspective

This couples retreat was not going so good. Drew was not paying any attention at all. Today was a free day. I was down in the spa area. I was very relaxed until I saw the two of them and some girl. I gradually kept my distance. I ain't want no shit to pop off.

As the day went on, I saw all of them. But,  they ended up leaving the retreat for some reason.

 This weekend couldn't get any better. Drew was flirting with all the other girls. I just sat there. "Mikayla" I heard Drew sit down. I ain't feel like looking at him nor talk to him. I got up going to the room. He followed along.

"I know you hear me" he snapped. He slammed the door shut. Causing me to jump.

"what Drew" I yelled.

"you gonna answer me" he said.

"you know what" I grabbed my suitcase. I was just tired. Too tired of all his bullshit.

"where you going" he looked at me.

"home" I yelled.

"you dragged me on this trip and now you leaving" He got loud all over again.

"yes I am" I said "going home and leaving with my daughter" I packed all my stuff. Opening the door when Drew smacked it close again.

"you ain't taking my daughter no where" he yelled at me. It wasn't like the other times. It was nothing but pure evil in his eyes. "if you want to leave, then bye" he had me pinned up on the wall. I was scared at this moment. I didn't know what he was going to do. He let go starting to pack his things up.

"don't forget who Kai's parents really are" He looked at me. Then, opening the door grabbing his suitcase. I stood there blank as fuck. I can't believe he did that again. He left the room.

I ended up call my friend to come get me from this place. I couldn't deal with him. Especially, the ride home. I got to the house first. I guess he went to go pick up Kai. I asked if my friend could stay just so I can hurry up and pack. I'm done with Drew completely. I've should've listened to everyone long time ago. 

"where you gonna go" he asked.

"idk" I said softly, "my sister lives a mile away from here" he scoffed around a little bit.

"uh huh" he cleared his throat, "stay with me" he said grabbing my suitcases that was packed. "and don't deny it. I want you to stay. I live by myself and I'm single"  I just looked at him before going in the bathroom, making sure I had everything.

"sure" I said smiling a little.

"you got every thing" he asked before walking out the car.

"yeah" I said. "I just gotta get my purse downstairs" we started making our way downstairs when I heard voices in the kitchen.

I told Nick to take everything to my car and I'll meet him at his house. After he left out, Drew came around the corner. He glared at me. I just grabbed my purse and the bag I had by the steps. Walking out to my car.

It's really over between us for good. 

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