ben+girl!reader - cologne

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"Ben!" (Y/n) shouted, storming out from the bathroom.

"What?" Ben mumbled sleepily, brushing his curls from his face. "(Y/n), what're you doing?"

The girl ignored him, continuing to rummage through Ben's belongings in his luggage. "It's got to be here; I know it's here.."

"What? What's here?" Ben had gotten up, his hair flopping to the side as he hobbled over to his girlfriend.

"My eyebrow pencil!" The girl groaned, flailing her arms in defeat. "Well, my whole makeup bag, actually. I thought you took it."

"Me?" Ben let out a laugh, his morning voice still audible. "Why would I need an eyebrow pencil? Have you even seen my eyebrows? And I haven't seen your makeup bag in centuries. You might've left it somewhere."

"I know," (y/n) sighed. "I just jumped to conclusions. I'm sorry. This is hopeless; I'll never find it."

Ben's expression softened as he saw the glum look on (y/n)'s face. "(Y/n), I can help you look, if you'd like," he offered.

"I'm okay, but thanks, Ben," (y/n) smiled weakly. "Don't you have a video to film or something? I don't want to bother you. I'll be at Zoe's room if you need me; she might have some makeup that I can borrow." The girl sorrowfully left the hotel room, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Ben ran his fingers through his hair. (Y/n) seemed like she was really upset this time. Pushing aside his video ideas for the day, the teen grabbed his camera and began vlogging.

"Hey, guys; it's me, Ben J., also known as KidPOV! Today, my girlfriend, (y/n), was pretty bummed because she lost her makeup bag, and we're in California-- pre-VidCon-- which means that if it's at home, she won't be able to get it! Since she's out of makeup at the moment, I'm going to go surprise her," Ben explained to the camera. "C'mon, let's go!"

After shutting off his camera, Ben proceeded to call Tyde, who just so happened to be in the neighborhood with his brother, Troye, and brother's boyfriend, Connor.

"Yeah, Ben?" Tyde greeted his friend through the phone.

"Tyde! I was wondering if you, Troye, and Connor could meet me at Sephora in Downtown Disney in, like, twenty."

"Wait, let me ask," Tyde exclaimed. "Troye! Connor!"

"Yeah?" Connor's voice was soft as he replied.

"You and Troye want to go to Sephora with Ben and I?"

"Sounds good!"

"So, that's a yes?" Ben asked, glancing at his phone nervously.

"Yeah! See you there," Tyde chuckled, hanging up.

Ben grinned, got dressed, and headed out to the makeup shop.


"Um, do you know even what this is?" Troye scoffed, holding up something that resembled a gold bar.

"A gold bar?" Tyde shrugged, staring at the object.

"Yeah, but what is it?" Connor pressed.

"I don't know! A gold bar!"

"No, silly! It's cologne!" Troye laughed, spraying a bit of the substance from the sample bottle onto Tyde.

"Eww, getitoffgetitoffgetitoff," Tyde wriggled out of the cologne's grasp. "I smell good," he pouted, making the other three laugh.

"Your turn, Ben!" Connor grinned. "We've got to make you smell good for (y/n), don't we?"

"Oh, uh, I--" before he could say any more, Ben was surrounded by clouds of cologne. He coughed, waving it out of his face. "Thanks?"

Troye laughed. "You're welcome. Now, you'll be ready for anything that comes your way."

Ben nodded, venturing off into the girls' aisles. He didn't know if he was catching weird stares from others because he had such a strong stench on him or because he'd pulled out his camera once again. "Hey guys! I'm currently at Sephora, looking for some cute makeup, so wish me luck!"

After three hours of looking through makeup that Ben didn't even know existed, he (along with his friends) managed to get a decent set of products for (y/n).

"Thanks for coming, guys," Ben smiled, waving at the three.

"Anytime, Benny," Troye grinned. "Good luck with (y/n), by the way."

"Mhm! You're literally boyfriend goals," Connor added in a slightly envious tone. "Troye won't get me anything."

"Oh, come on, Connie," Troye teased. "I got you two kittens! And you know how much I despise kittens."

"Alright, alright," Tyde rolled his eyes, pushing the couple away. "See you at VidCon, Ben!"

Ben waved once more, hurrying to return to his hotel room.


"(Y/n), I'm back!" Ben called from outside the hotel door. His camera was pointed at the door as he patiently waited for the girl to answer.

"Coming!" (Y/n) opened the door, grinning. "Vlogging already? It's not even Vidcon yet!"

"I know, but I'll probably forget to vlog," Ben chuckled. "I actually am also vlogging because I went out to get you these," he smiled smugly, handing (y/n) the bag of Sephora products.

"Ben, this is so sweet," (y/n) replied, examining the bag. "But, um, I actually found my bag at the bottom of my luggage."

"Oh," Ben said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

(Y/n) sensed that Ben had gone through a great deal of effort to get her the products and smiled. She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his nose, muttering a small "thank-you" as she did so.

Ben blushed, surprise evident in his eyes. "W-what did you say?"

"I said," (y/n) beamed, facing the boy, "thank you. I really appreciate it."

"Oh, uh, you're welcome," Ben smiled, slightly stumbling on his words.

The couple kissed, Ben's hand shaking as he tried to record the breathtaking moment. (Y/n) pulled away, giggling slightly.

"What?" The boy demanded, confused.

"Cologne? Really?"

Ben pursed his lips together into a pout. "Yeah, and?"

(Y/n) rested her head on Ben's neck, inhaling sharply. "Nothing. I think it smells great."

Ben smiled, placing a kiss on (y/n)'s forehead. In his head, he was thanking Troye and Connor over and over.

"I hope Troye and Connor get married and have the cutest kids ever," Ben thought.

"What?" (Y/n) looked up at her boyfriend.

"Oh, uh, nothing." Ben looked at the camera, grinning. "Um, so that didn't go as planned, but all's well that ends well, I guess? Anyways, that's just a Kid's point of view! Bye guys, byyyye!"


Um, hey guys!

I've met Ben before and it's safe to say that he is the sweetest, cutest 16 year old EVER so I sort of just thought this up??

aNd you should check out his new video today because it's pretty wild ;)

but honestly everyone should just go tweet him and tell him that he's boyfriend, tiny son, dad, and grandpa goals af because trU!

anywhoo, how are you guys?!

recently ive been looking for some nice music to listen to so if you leave a comment with some songs/bands/albums you like, i'll be sure to check it out! :)

that's all for now, so enjoy x


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