tronnor - white room

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trigger warning; suicide is mentioned frequently (the oneshot is based around that), so please read with caution! stay safe x


Troye sighed, throwing down his anti-depressant pills. They scattered all over the floor as he ran his nimble fingers through his curly hair. God, he was done with those. They didn't help, anyways. Connor did.

At least, he used to.

It'd been two years since the tragic "drunk-driver" car accident that left Connor's boyfriend, Troye, completely devastated. Connor died on the spot, and his family (along with Troye's) were notified hours later. Troye's life had turned upside down ever since then. Nothing mattered anymore.

Troye picked up a few of the fallen pills and carefully placed them in his palm, then made his way to the bathroom. The room was white. Not a clean, bright white, but a dirty, old white that made Troye want to gag. He took a plastic cup and filled it with water, rolling the blue-and-white pills around in his hand as he did so. He didn't hesitate. He was going to be with Connor, no matter the cost.

Troye downed the entire thing, and the last thing he saw was his warped reflection in the dirty mirror.


The room was white.

"Troye?" A muffled voice called out. Troye blinked slowly, trying to make out where the sound was coming from. "Troye!" It came again.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Troye got up, squinting to see if there was someone there. He felt arms suddenly wrap around his waist from behind and turned.

"Connor," Troye melted into his boyfriend's embrace.

"Troye!" Connor gasped, shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"Well... I..."

Troye could see his boyfriend's expression fall quickly. "No, Troye. No. You told me you wouldn't."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't take it anymore."

"That's no excuse! I thought that we promised to stay strong if anything ever happened!"

"I never got to say goodbye," Troye choked out a sob, burying his face into Connor's neck. "I never meant for this to happen."

"Neither did I." Connor gently kissed Troye's forehead. "What did you do?"

"I-- I took the pills," Troye looked down.

"You overdosed?!" Connor blinked. Troye nodded silently, slightly puzzled. "Troye! You might be able to live!"

"Why does that matter?"

"Troye. Our promise." Connor gave his boyfriend a stern look.

"Alright, fine. But you don't know that for sure." Troye crossed his arms.

"Oh, really?" The other man raised a brow. "Look at our arms."

When the two stuck out their arms, Troye could see a significant difference. While Connor's arm was like a normal human arm, Troye's looked like an arm with a VSCO fade +12 on it. "Oh."

"You have a chance, Troye. Please take it."

"I don't want to leave you, and I don't want you to leave me."

"We won't leave each other. As cheesy as it sounds, I'll always be here," Connor smiled, gently patting Troye's chest.

"Isn't there a way you could come back with me?" Troye almost pleaded, but Connor just shook his head sadly.

"If there were, we'd probably be married now. Now, go back and live a full life. You deserve it."

Troye opened his mouth to say "we deserve it" when he suddenly felt himself fading. His vision became blacker by the second, and he couldn't see or feel Connor anymore.

"I cherish you," Troye called out, praying that Connor got his message.

Just as Troye's vision became completely black, he heard a soft voice say, "I cherish you, too."


"He's awake!"

"Shh, Tyde! Your screaming is going to literally kill him."

"Sorry, Sagey. You know how worried I was."

"It's fine. We all were worried."

Troye opened his eyes slowly. He could make out Sage and Tyde perched over him like hawks, his parents bawling their eyes out in the corner, and nurses writing information down next to him.

"He overdosed, but he will be okay after a few more stomach pumps and treatments. You are very lucky, Mr. and Mrs. Mellet." One nurse exclaimed in a serious tone.

"We know, thank you," Troye heard his parents reply.

He saw his mother make her way over to him. "Ma," he cried, biting his lip.

She didn't say anything, just placed a kiss on the bridge of his nose. Her eyes were glazed over, and her cheeks were pale. She had to recover, just like him.

Sage then turned to face her older brother. "I thought we lost you, you know. I felt like I was going to be so sick."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's hard losing your boyfriend, I know, but it's also difficult when your idol of an older brother tries to commit," Sage blinked, tears running down her cheeks.

"Sage, Tyde," Troye's mom called, "we have to go. Troye needs rest."

The doors closed after the last visitor shuffled out of the room. The nurses injected some weird sedative needle, then left him alone to rest. Troye looked around the room, then back at his needle. His eyes drooped and he felt sleep--or was it unconsciousness? --wash over him. He couldn't fight it any longer and closed his eyes. It would take a while, but Troye was going to recover, and he was going to be okay. He had to stay strong. For Connor. For his family. For everyone. He finally let his eyes close, focusing on only one thing that kept him sane.

The room was white.



i never do authors notes so this feels kind of foreign and new to me ?!

i feel like i want to interact with you guys more and it feels easier to on here but i get really lazy (which is why i dont reply to comments its not bc i dont like you!) so i may or may not continue a/n's (that was a weird sentence yikes)

btw this one-shot was sort of inspired by @conbontroyeboy on wattpad so go check 'em out :)

soo yeah! let me know if you have some oneshot ideas/suggestions (comment/pm me!)

ily all and all links are in my bio !!

enjoy x

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