THIRTY SEVEN: Finally Ever After

Start from the beginning

"Now I want you to do your duty and kill!" she said in loud tone. And we took our stance. I watched carefully, assessing the so called Commander. He was walking calming to the edge where our friends stood. I would think he would continue just to do his so called duty to kill. But he stopped and whipped out a knife. Its metal then pressed to Persephone's throat.

"Move!" I screamed, having Athena to hold me back.

"No!" yelled an angry Hades, but nobody stopped him. He moved like the night, but he was visible to everyone since it was still day.

"Fire!" Hera shouted, and a loud boom went off. I tumbled to the ground of clouds, as did most of the army. We covered our ears but looked to see what had happened. A black lump of something was on the ground and another thing; it no longer had its aura. Persephone did not hesitate, and did nothing. Her eyes kept its forward direction and her eyes looked almost cloudy. The Commander looked for Hera and she nodded.

In this time of three second, a bloody Persephone was sprawled across the floor as Hera screamed, "Archers! Archers!"

The black lump was the next to fall. And we were observing this. This entire chaos of event lasted about ten seconds. I could feel the increasing fear from everybody and we looked at this tragedy. I had no words.

"Listen to me," I spoke to the soldiers who immediately snapped their eyes to e, "that power is strong but I know we can disable it. Let's do a plan! We charge like an army fight like an army but when it comes, a group disables the machine and the other takes back the kidnapped."

They're were mumbles saying it was too risky and this is crazy.

"But how do we disable it?" Artemis asks, holding her bow tighter to her.

"Leave that to me," I spoke bravely. The army nodded, but I could still see that they knew death was coming for them. After all, Hera just killed two immortal already. And that guilt was enough to let me signal a charge, and everybody did.

Hera's army was incoming and I prepared my knifes. I kept it low so as the enemies came I slashed at their stomachs, instant kill. A bulky man kept to me and charged with full body impact and I slid to the side, thankful for my short form. He came again and I noticed his friend charging behind me, and I lifted in the air enough to shock them before, sticking my knife in both their legs. There is no hesitation on the battle field, or else you die.

"Ahhhh!" an incoming solider yelled and I caught his weapon with my sword so it clashed and I gripped it with both hands and he did the same. I tried to level it so I could disable him but he only held relentless and I decided a quick solution. I used my left ankle and hooked it with his and pulled back so he toppled to the ground, then I snatched his sword and slashed for injury.

"Kate!" a voice screamed and I looked for it. Athena was held by a circled of armed men and I rushed over, and attacked anybody who came my way. When I reached her, I helped her and stuck my knifes in each of their stomachs making them drops like beats.

Athena gave me a grateful smile, "Thanks." I nodded and returned the smile. More enemy soldiers kept pouring in and I could see we were losing dearly. We had it looked about 15 men left and some were already fatally injured. I turned to see if any more soldiers were left and I only saw more crowds, more men, and more loss.

I shut my eyes and concentrated to a trick I taught more self. Healing. I could feel the heart beats of the soldiers, on our side and I boosted them with quick healing, it was cut off as I opened my eyes to find a knife to my throat and gun to my back. Hera's face loomed over my stance as I craned my neck to look at her.

Cries of struggles were behind me as I saw Athena, fighting with her captor. He never moved, just gripped tighter to her arms. "Dear Kate, we finally meet again, and I see you look good," she joked with a sinister smile.

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