"Dad," he whispered. Niall reluctantly opened his eyes. "Sorry dad, I know you're not feeling well. I just wanted to tell you we're home," Oliver whispered apologetically.

"It's alright bud," Niall whispered feeling the ache again in his stomach. Then Oliver noticed his little brother in bed.

"Why is Parker here?" he asked

"He got sick at school today. I had to pick him up," Niall explained.

"Poor guy," Oliver frowned. "Do you need anything?" he asked.

"No, just hold down the fort until mom gets home," Niall whimpered closing his eyes.

"Alright, dad. Feel better," he said walking out the door. Niall groaned rolling back over trying to go back to sleep. His stomach turned every time he moved. He whimpered a little wrapping his arms around his stomach. He eventually fell back to sleep. He was awoken some time later by your youngest son tossing in his sleep. He opened his eyes and sat up feeling the room spin. He looked down at the litter boy clearly in pain.

"Parker?" he whispered putting his hand on Parker's head. Parker opened his eyes.

"Daddy," he whimpered. He crawled into Niall's lap sobbing.

"It's ok, little man. What's wrong?" Niall asked sweetly.

"My tummy hurts," he cried.

"I know buddy, mine does too. Try to take some deep breaths," he told him stroking his hair. Oliver hearing the commotion came into the bedroom. He had a soft spot for both of his younger brothers.

"Hey, buddy. You ok?" he whispered sitting down on the bed. Parker crawled over to his big brother who held him in his arms.

"I feel sick Otto," he hiccupped.

"Hey, it's ok. Shh shh shh," Oliver soothed him. He rocked him gently in his arms. Oliver looked up at Niall who smiled at him. Oliver nodded and continued to comfort his little brother. Parker soon fell asleep in his brother's arms.

"You're a good big brother. You must have remarkable parents," Niall said with a smile.

"Well my mom is great. My dad is kind of a dork," he smiled back. Niall chuckled.

"You can lay him back down," Niall told him patting the bed. Oliver carefully laid Parker down and covered him up. "Thanks Otto," Niall whispered.

"What can I say I kinda like the kid," he chuckled. "How are you doing, dad?" he asked. Niall shrugged.

"Not as bad as I was I guess," he replied.

"You wanna try to eat something?" he asked. Niall nodded

"I'll come out there," Niall said slowly getting out of bed. He followed Oliver to the kitchen and sat at the table. Oliver quickly made a bowl of soup and set it down in front of his dad. "Thanks Otto," Niall said taking a bite.

"How late will mom be?" Oliver asked.

"Not, sure. She had several meeting," Niall replied taking another bite. He could already feel the soup rolling around in his stomach but he was starving so he continued eating. "Thanks again for not burning the house down while I'm down and out," Niall smiled.

"Well I mean I wanted to throw a wild party but it was really Parker that stopped me," He smirked.

"Of course, of course," Niall sarcastically agreed. Oliver laughed but stopped when they both heard a small cry.

"Daddy," they heard Parker yell.

"I got him," Oliver said jumping up. He ran to the bedroom to find Parker sitting up in bed. "What's wrong buddy?" Parker hiccupped.

"I feel sick," he whimpered.

"Ok, Ok let's get you to the bathroom yeah?" he said picking up his brother. He set him down in front of the toilet where he heaved but nothing came up. "Oh Parker," Oliver whispered. Parker cried.

"It hurts," he sobbed before gagging again. Oliver rubbed his back not knowing what else to do. They sat there until Parker's stomach finally decided there was nothing left and let him relax. He fell back into his brother's arm. He was completely exhausted so Oliver picked him up and put him back in bed. He handed him his water from the night stand.

"Here, drink some water," he said softly. Parker took the bottle and took a few sips of water. About that time Niall walked back in the room.

"You ok little man?" he asked softly sitting back down on the bed. Parker shivered and nodded his head. Niall brought him into his lap, groaning a little feel his small dinner toss in his stomach. He rubbed up and down Parkers back humming softly to him. Oliver chuckled a little recognizing the song Niall was humming was 'Little Things'. Parker calmed down enough to lay back down on his own.

"You wanna try to eat at all?" Oliver asked. Parker shook his head. "Ok, try to go back to sleep then." Parker sighed and closed his eyes. "Is it your go-to humming your own songs?" Oliver asked with a smile.

"You bet it is," Niall replied.

"You're so dumb, dad," Oliver said as he stood up chuckling. Niall shook his head. "You need to lay back down too. Mom should be home soon."

"Thanks Otto, you're a good kid," Niall said feeling proud.

"Yeah I know," he replied leaving the room and shutting the door. Niall smiled and laid back down. He was really feel uneasy and wanted you to be home. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He wasn't asleep long when his stomach woke him up. He sat up and looked over to see Parker still sound asleep. He groaned as he stood up walking into the bathroom. He sat in front of the toilet breathing hard trying to fight it as long as possible. That's when he heard a knock on the door.

"Niall, buddy you ok?" your voice asked.

"Y/N, babe. Please come in here," he said feeling both relived and extremely nauseous. You came in quickly seeing your husband so ill you knelt down beside him.

"I'm sorry Niall. I wanted to come home earlier," You started.

"It's ok. I know. I'm just glad you're here now," he said lovingly. Just your presence was helping him to feel a little better.

"Are you alright?" you asked rubbing his back.

"Actually I think so. I was really nauseous now it's starting to pass." You kissed his head.

"Sorry you had to take care of Parker on your own," you said sadly.

"Oliver was a big help," he admitted.

"Good, think you can make it back to bed?" you asked him. He nodded. You helped him up and lead him back to bed. Oliver was waiting for you. You pulled him in and kissed him. "Thank you for your help bud," you smiled at him.

"Ehh someone had to do it," he smiled.

"How bout you take Parker back to his room. I don't think he's getting up again," you told him.

"I can do that," he replied. He picked up his brother carefully and took him back upstairs. You laid down behind Niall wrapping him in your arms.

"Relax now, you need sleep," you whispered.

"Glad you're home," he replied. "I love you."

"I love you too," you smiled. He fell asleep in your arms and woke up feeling much better. Parker was sick for another few days but was back on his feet in no time.

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