Chapter 19: I'm Getting Hitched With A Snake!

Start from the beginning

"Oh, but your hair looked so nice long, Tomoe. It's such a waste," badgered on one of them, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hands on his chest. Oh, I'm pissed.

"When will you visit our shop again?" Chimed in another, staring at his lips and coming close to his face.

"I'll come to see you soon, don't worry," reassured Tomoe. Haha, not on my watch! I started stomping towards them.

"Break it up, break it up!" I interrupted, shooing his panda's club away.


They disappeared. I chased after the smoke clouds. No way were they going to get away!

"Get back here, panda eyes!" I screamed loudly, but they were gone. I just had to accept it.

"Brooke," a voice called, putting a hand on my shoulder. I wasn't in the mood for this crap, and I smacked Tomoe's hand away from me.

"Leave me alone, idiot."

~ • ~

"You brought girls back when me and Brooke were gone!?" Said Nanami, as she scoffed down her food.

"Wow, you're such a loner, Tomoe," I mused. Tomoe just stood there at the kitchen, saying nothing. No way was I going to be nice to that idiot.

"I don't believe it," I retorted quietly, bringing my plate to the sink.

"They only cut my hair for me," retaliated Tomoe.

"Do they also have a kissing booth too? Because you leaned in for a kiss, so either they have a kissing booth or you wanted to kiss her," I said with anger boiling up in me, leaning against the sink and folding my arms.

"Absurd," he snorted, facing me now.

"Liar!" I hissed, "It was so obvious that you were flirting with them."

"How obvious?"

"Obvious as you couldn't keep your goddamn eyes off them!" I implied, waving my hands around and walking by him. Why did he look at them differently to me? He has never looked at me like that. Well, that I am aware of.

That's when he grabbed my wrist and pushed my sleeve up, revealing the mark. "Brooke how did this happen?" He barked, pointing at my mark.

I stayed silent.

"Ah, well Brooke felt sorry for this white snake and she picked it up. Brooke, why haven't you told Tomoe it's swelling up?" Nanami recalled, reminding me that it was starting to irritate me at school.

Tomoe would look at my wrist, then look at me. He looked upset, but I really didn't care. He should be upset and actually sorry.

I pulled my wrist away from him. "So am I going to die?"

Tomoe folded his arms and stared at my arm which the mark was on. "That mark is a symbol of a snake's engagement."

"I'm getting hitched with a snake? Oh boy, lucky me! Now one question...HOW CAN I GET OUT OF IT!?" I yelped, trying to scratch the mark off. Tomoe grabbed my hand.

"Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself."

"Why? I thought you enjoyed me being in pain!" I pulled back my hand, and started biting my nails. Tomoe stayed quiet, then a devilish grin appeared on his face. Oh, snap.

"Would you care to explain to me why did you get on such good terms with a snake at school?" He asked sarcastically, with annoyance in his tone.

"Would you care to explain to me why did you get on such good terms with those yokai-panda women while I was at school?" I answered back. I was winning.

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