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Giselle's POV:
I handed been able to sleep well last night.2 reasons:
Fish Mooney
Uncomfortable bed.

After what Fish had done to me I wasn't able to sleep.Maybe because of the drug she had in the drink.I still assure myself that there was no drug.But I was creeped out.Right now all I needed to know is who Victor Zsasz was.

I felt my stomach grumble since I hadn't had much but that drink.I swear I eat a LOT but after being so creeped out I hadn't dared to do anything.Heck I cant even sleep.I went to a small food place around the corner and I order a sandwich and apple juice.

They gave me my order and it cost me 15$.Now I know where to not buy food from.I ate my food at a table and almost everyone in the food place was looking at me.I ate my food quickly and left bumping into a guy wearing a suit and glasses.He is really tall and I don't know him.He is really att active.Come on I ran out of facts.He looked gloomy but looked at me and gave me a fake cheerful smile.

"Sorry I wasn't looking straight I was looking at the ground and I was in a hurry.I'm really sorry."I said giving him a sad smile.
"No problem at all.You look new."He said
"Is it that obvious?"I said nervously.
"Kind of but I figured it out.I have my ways."He said looking away and then his eyes landed on me again."Nygma.Edward Nygma."He said pulling his hand out of his coat pocket for me to shake.
I shaked his hand while introducing myself "Giselle Hemsworth."

"So what brought you to Gotham?Not exactly the city anyone would want to live in." Edward said.
"I came here to find my dream job.I have failed miserably."I said shaking my head.
"What's your dream job?"He said smiling slightly.
"Forensics"I sighed and continued"I tried almost everywhere but people needed a 'weapon'."I said doing the air cuote thing.
"Forensics?Have you tried GCPD?"He said.
"What's GCPD?"I asked.
"Gotham City Police Department."He said chuckling.
Really Giselle,Really?I mentally slapped myself.
"Ofcourse,how could I be so dumb."I said quitely."No I haven't,I was going earlier but just lost track or time."I said.
"You should try at GCPD.They need it."He said.
"I will try.Thanks for the tip."I said.
"Cool.See you tomorrow."Edward said smirking.
"How can you be so sure?"I said.He shook his head and went in the food place.

Guess I'll see him tomorrow. Don't ask me how I can be so sure.

A/N:The pic is Giselle's apartment.I know this was short but I hope you liked it.Feedback is awesome so please send me some.Vote,Share and Comment.Thanks y'all.-Farah

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