8~Time with Harvey~8

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Giselle's P.O.V:
I was in Harvey's car and he kept trying to engage a conversation so we can get along better.We are two different people.He stopped the car in the middle of the road.

"Okay,what's wrong with you?I'm just trying to engage a conversation but you won't even try."Harvey said frustrated.
"Harvey,it's not you it's just that Victor guy."I said and Harvey sighed.
"Okay look,we'll do anything you like!Like go to a circus?"Harvey said confused.
"Do I really look like a clown to you?"I replied smirking.
"No.Come on it's the circus."Harvey said playfully punching my arm.
"You don't have to go to the circus for me."I said chuckling.
"Come on,we can have great fun there!!"Harvey exclaimed.I sighed
"Okay,fine but if something crazy happens you're responsible."I say annoyed.
"Crazy?How can something crazy happen in a circus?"Harvey asked
"Well I don't know?! A circus does have talented people but I've visited one circus and while I was leaving a murder occurred."I say and Harvey's eyes widen.

"Who was the killer?"Harvey asked curious.
"A clown."I said shaking my head.
"Wow.Now I am scared of clowns."Harvey said in shock.
"Let's go somewhere else.You suggest something."I said.
"We can go to the store and buy some snacks and-"Harvey said and I cut him off.
"Go to that bridge near the river?"I asked.
"Really?"Harvey asked annoyed.

"Yeah,really"I said with sass and annoyance.
"Fine but first let's go to the grocery shop." Harvey said in a demanding tone.
"Okay."I said nodding my head politely.

Harvey drove up to the grocery store and parked the car.He got out of the car and walked to my door.I locked it before he could even touch it.He tried opening and struggled his way opening it.But he failed miserably.I smirked and just looked at my feet.

Harvey saw my smirk and knew exactly what this was about.I think he realized that he has to go through all the pranks and the evil side that I have.Harvey started banging on the window loudly.

Harvey kept trying to open the doors of the car that I locked while I had his key.He kept exhaustingly and angrily trying to open the door.

Suddenly Harvey sighed and gave up.He sat on the side walk pavement of the street and glared at me.He quickly looked at the ground and sat there for about some good 10 minutes.Unexpectedly enough, Harvey stood up and practically marched his way to the car door and banged the car window next to me.He looked beyond angry and I was scared but I stuck out my tongue and ignored.

I looked at the keys in my hand and started pressing all buttons.Nothing happened how boring.I jumped to the driver's seat and started pressing all the buttons.Harvey realised what I was doing so he quickly opened the door as it was unlocked.

Harvey looked at me and I gave him a angelic smile and my puppy dog eyes.Harvey rolled his eyes.

I got myself in some deep shit.

Hi guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't really updated or anything but I was so busy with school.But WOHOO,finally a update.
Okay I'll update as much as possible.
By kitty cats.
- Farah

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