"If I had known you were gonna react this way, I would have just told my brothers first." Candice said.

"That's just not right and I'm sure their reaction will be worse than mine. We need to tell them. Well, at least tell Derrick."

"How am I supposed to bring that up to him? Hey bro, guess what? I'm pregnant and Sean wants nothing to do with me or the baby!"

"That sarcasm doesn't help anything." Angel said. "You need to tell your brothers because that man will put you through some hell."

"I'll tell them when I'm ready to, just give me some time to deal with this for now. I have stuff that I need to figure out."

"I'm serious, Candice." Angel said in a stern tone.

Over the years, Candice and Angel grew a special bond like sisters. Candice didn't have a sister, so she looked to Angel as a big sister. Angel was four years older than her.

"Listen," Angel tone was calm, "I don't want you to be stressed out about this situation, just know that I'm here for you and I really need for you to tell your brothers. They're like the only family you have and they should know. We can help you, okay?"

Candice sat silent for a moment.

"But you can do it on your own time, just don't wait too late." She added.

"I have a question." Candice spoke.

"What is it?"

"How did you feel when you first told Drew that you were pregnant?" She asked.

Angel thought back to that moment when she found out she was pregnant with Zach. She and Drew weren't together because he was still married to LaTrice at the time. She felt a lot of disappointment being pregnant by him, let alone being involved with a married man.

"I felt stupid because he was married. It was unplanned and definitely not the right time." She answered. "And his response wasn't anything better."

"I know."

"But don't let my experience be yours. Remind that man that you have two crazy ass brothers and a crazier future sister-in-law." Both of them laughed.

"I believe that." Candice said.

"I may have calmed down over the years, but that doesn't mean that my alter ego, Thelma Gee, won't be unleashed." Angel laughed.

"You're crazy." Candice laughed. "Thelma Gee? THat's an old lady's name."

"Don't make fun of her name?" Angel said.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Candice still laughed.

Changing the subject, Candice asked, "So how are the kids?"

"They're good. Heaven and Zach staying out of trouble and JJ, well, let's just say, he's being a teenager." Angel answered. "I just sent him back with his dad."

"What did he do?" Candice asked.

"JJ and Joy decided that they were grown and went out one evening with and hang with some college kids and smoke weed, probably had a drink too." She answered with disappointment.

Candice gasped. "No that lil girl need her butt whipped. She's been a handful ever since her parents divorced."

"She was a sweet lil girl before." Angel mentioned.

"She was." Candice agreed. "Trice has been trippin too. That woman changed big time. As close as she and I used to be, since she and Drew split up I couldn't trust her but I still tried to have a friendship with her, but she's changed so much."

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