Daddy and Papa Love You

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*Harry’s POV*

“Oh Harry, I got here as soon as I could. Are you feeling okay?” My mom asked as she walked through the door hours later.

“I’m fine for now. Thank you for coming,” I sighed out in relief knowing the boys and my mom were here for support. Niall’s mom said she wishes she could be here but because of a recent snow storm airports are closed and she said she’d come down once they re-open. My mom walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

“Oh, Harry, I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here earlier and I hope you weren’t in too much pain,” My mom ranted and I squeezed her hand.

“It’s fine mom. Niall was here and helped me and Dr. Adams gave me the pain medication earlier to calm me down. But thank you for coming, I don’t know what I would do if I had the babies without anyone here,” I sighed and my mom gently kissed my cooling forehead.

“How far along are you know?” She asked.

“Well I’ve been here for five hours and I’m only five centimeters dilated. But I was four when I got here, I think Dr. Conway went to ask Adams if we should break my water,” I answered and Niall walked over to me.

“How are you doing? Do you want me to get Dr. Conway?” Niall asked and I shook my head.

“No, I already feel a lot better. But can you get me another cloth? This one’s not that cold anymore,” I asked and he nodded taking the towel off my head and walking into the bathroom. I sighed and looked over at the boys they all looked lost in the room, not knowing what to do.

“So, um, Harry, you ready to be a parent?” Zayn asked awkwardly and I nodded.

“Yeah, I just hoped it wouldn’t be this soon,” I answered as one of the babies kicked my stomach and I grimaced.

“You okay?” Lou asked standing up and walking over to me.

“Yeah, one of the babies decided to kick my stomach,” I groaned as a contraction hit. The pain medication helped a lot, I don’t feel half as much of the pain as before, but I could still feel the sharp pangs.

“Can I feel?” Louis asked and I nodded. I took his hand and placed it right below my belly button and he smiled, obviously feeling the tiny flutters.

“That’s so cool, your stomach is like rock hard now,” Liam said placing his hands by Lou’s and gently prodding my stomach.

“Yeah, Dr. Adams said that would happen as the labor went on. It feels uncomfortable as hell,” I hissed as one of the babies kicked my gut.

“Here you go,” Niall said placing the wet towel on my forehead and kissing my nose. I smiled at him and saw the door open.

“Harry, is it okay if I check you again?” Dr. Adams asked and I nodded, “Um I think you guys will want to leave for this,” He continued looking at the boys and my mom. They nodded and walked out of the room while Niall took his place by my side.

I went into the position he originally told me and squeezed Niall’s hand trying to block my mind.

“Harry, you’re seven centimeters now. I’m going to break your water,” Dr. Adams said and I nodded as I squeezed onto Niall’s hand as I felt water rush out onto the pad the doctor had placed under me. “It’s clear so that’s good, I’m going to get Dr. Conway to get him to take your temperature and get a listen to the babies heartbeats and make sure everything is good and dandy.”

Dr. Adams stood up, taking the soiled mat out from underneath me as I felt a contraction come over me. He patted my knee after putting it back in place and walking out the door.

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