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•Harry’s POV•

I sat back in my chair after finishing my statement and felt Niall’s hand tighten its grip on mine. I looked up for the first time since I started talking and saw everyone’s eyes on me. I felt my heartbeat faster as they scanned my body, as if it would confirm anything.

“Pregnant?” Simon asked in disbelief.  I nodded and looked over at him. “With twins and Niall’s the father?” I nodded again and looked over at my mom. She had a smile on her face and gently rubbed my shoulder.

“Making me a grandma at such a young age?” She teased and I ducked my head in embarrassment.

“My mom’s going to be one too, just add two more to the mix,” Niall said, referring to Greg’s new son. Niall’s mom smiled.

“I call dibs on being the godfather!” Louis screamed suddenly making me jump back to the back of my seat and stare at him. Once what he said processed I cracked a smile.

“I get dibs on the second baby!” Liam shouted just as Zayn went to open his mouth.

“Hey! I was going to call dibs!” He whined and we chuckled at them.

“You can be the godmother,” Louis said with a straight face before cracking a smile and laughing loudly. Niall started to laugh and soon everyone was joining in and was holding their sides. Once we calmed down Paul turned to me.

“Well, obviously you won’t be able to work for a few months. And you won’t be able to be in public, I’m guessing you don’t want people to know. And we need to make all interviews to head shots so they don’t realized you gained any weight, it makes it easier if they don’t see you the size of a whale on day and a twig the next,” Paul chuckled.

“Thanks,” I muttered with a weak smile.

“But after everyone is going to wonder why all of the sudden you two are carrying around two little ones. We need to come up with a good explanation. Wither its adoption, knocking someone up and they don’t want they baby, or watching after a friends children after they died in a car crash, we need something,” Paul said looking between Ni and I. I looked over at my boyfriend and we bother had blank looks.

“Um Paul, don’t we get some time to think about it? I mean it’s not like tomorrow I’ll look like I have a watermelon stuffed under my shirt, it will be a couple more weeks,” I said nervously.

“You can have as much time as you want, just don’t wait last minute and expect everything to be perfect,” Paul stated.

“The sooner the better,” Simon added and Paul agreed with a nod of his head. I smiled in thanks and leaned onto Niall.

“Did you bring a pill?” I whispered in his ear and he dug into his pocket pulling out a yellow pill and a folded piece of paper. He handed me a pill and I stood up walking over to the water fountain in the corner and filled a paper cup and quickly swallowed the pill. I was lucky the pill didn’t taste like anything.

“Aren’t you not supposed to take pain medication when you’re pregnant?” Liam asked after I sat back down. I sighed.

“It’s not a pain med, I lied yesterday. It uh, it helps um build hormones that my body doesn’t make enough of so the babies stay healthy,” I explained as I watched Niall go to pick up the piece of paper.

“What’s that?” I asked taking in out of his hand as he was about to tuck it back into his pocket. I opened it and saw the familiar blue, black, and white scan. “You carry it with you?” Niall nodded and my mom peeked over my shoulder.

“What is it?” She asked and I handed her the scan.

“The first scan pictures; Baby A and Baby B,” I said as she looked on. She smiled and I saw the boys stand up to look over my mom’s shoulder and get a peek.

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