Bentley James and Grayson William

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&Harry’s POV&

“Harry, wake up. Niall’s already up and making breakfast,” Maura woke me the day of the ultra-scan appointment.

“Ten more minutes,” I mumbled and buried my head in the pillows.

“You said that an hour ago, besides its noon, you need to get up,” Maura laughed and I sighed opening my eyes and looked at her.

“Come on, Haz, get up,” Maura smiled when our eyes locked and she pulled my covers off.

“Ugh, fine,” I mumbled when the cold November air hit my skin. Maura smiled at me and left the room to give me privacy to change.

I quickly walked to the bathroom and took a shower before stepping out and wrapping a towel under my arms and made sure my stomach was covered before walking to the sink and brushing my teeth.  I quickly pulled my towel up when I felt it slip and walked out to find comfortable clothing that would hide the growing bump.

I slid out of the bathroom and into the closet to find some baggy clothes to cover my ever-growing stomach and thighs. I found a pair of wore sweats and threw them on before shaking the water from my hair and walking down to the kitchen to pill and feed myself.

“Morning Sunshine,” Niall smiled and kissed my cheek when I walked in.

“Morning babe,” I mumbled back and yawned.

“Nice to see you actually moving around,” Maura smirked and I blushed.

“I was tired!” I responded and Niall flipped the eggs in the frying pan.

“Go get some plates Haz, it’ll be done in few minutes,” Niall said and I complied. I snatched three plates from the cabinet and a few forks from the draw before handing them to Maura while I grabbed my pill and the orange juice from the fridge.

“Bon appetite,” Niall said in a horrible French accent making me laugh as he placed eggs and toast in front of me.

“Thanks baby,” I smiled and scooped some eggs onto my plate and grabbed two slices of toast off the other plate.

“How does it taste?” Ni asked when I finished my plate within ten minutes.

“Fantastic, I taught you well,” I smirked at him as I swallowed my pill and stole a piece of his toast to rid my mouth of the aftertaste.

“I’m going to get changed, be right back,” Niall pecked my cheek and stood up.

“You excited for the big day?”  Maura asked taking our plates and putting them in the dish washer.

“Yeah, it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s a boy or girl, I just want them to be healthy,” I smiled and rubbed my stomach.

“You’re getting quite big now, I don’t know how much longer you can be in public,” Maura advised and I nodded.

“I know, last week when we preformed Little Things for the first time people we staring at me more than usual and it made Niall freak. But as long as I can still be in contact with fans until the babies are born I don’t have a problem,” I stated and I heard Niall’s familiar footsteps come closer.

“Three more hours,” Ni muttered into my ear and quickly kissed my temple before making me stand up and walked me towards the living room.

“Ugh, day time shows,” I groaned as we flipped through the channels.

“Oh hush up, you’re going to fall asleep any way,” Niall shot back as he stopped on some soap opera Maura watches.

“Hey!-” I argued but stopped when I felt a sharp pain on my stomach.

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