Chapter 14.

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Hey guys just a quick notice, in this chapter i'm going to be jumping between perspectives quite a bit because of what is happening! I really hope your enjoying this story so far, i'm trying to keep it original and not clash with the series so far! thanks to everyone giving such nice feed back, it means soooo much to me so thank you!!!! Enjoy!!!!


Hannah was greeted by scowls when she returned to the stall. Chelsea had gone for a drink with Collin and Amelia didn't take being brushed off by Klaus well. "we need more boxes go get them!" she demanded. "your you could..." Hannah said getting her phone out of her bag and putting it in her pocket. "there in my car in the pub car park, i'm going to stay and serve whilst you go and get them!" she stated like it was fact. Hannah sighed and kept telling herself that soon she would be leaving all of this behind with Klaus, the thought made her smile. "what are you smiling about?" Amelia asked stubbornly. "nothing, which car is yours" Hannah responded with a sigh. she couldn't be bothered to argue with Amelia.

The pud car park was deserted with only a few lost tourists straying away from the crowed of the village center. Hannah was unsure about this, Klaus had told her to stay with someone at all times so the hunter wouldn't make his move, but what other choice did she have really? stay with Amelia? No, she make her way across the gravel passing several familiar cars until she reached Amelia's. Opening the boot she looked into the mess of ribbons and boxes she retrieved the appropriate ones when she was distracted. "excuse me?" an American accent came from behind her, she stood up straight and turned around to face the man she met earlier, "i'm lost, which way to 5 Carter road?" the address was more then familiar to Hannah, she used to live there, technically she still did; she owned the house after her parents died but she hasn't lived in it for over a year. "what do you want there?" she asked trying to sound casual. "you!" he replied and looked her in the eyes, her head started to feeling like it was burning and pain coursed threw her body in sharp waves, when the pain became to unbearable to stand she fell to her knees and tried to scream for help but something stopped her. "now now, no need to attract your boy friends attention just yet" he said, Hannah vision became blurry and then black and her head hit the hard ground as she became unconscious.


Klaus's POV

Klaus had a feeling something was wrong, he immediately went to find Hannah. "wheres Hannah?" he asked Amelia who was reluctant to answer, he wished he could just compel her, it would make this so much easier. "Why do you like her anyway, you know i'm so much better-" he cut her off before he became tempted to rip her throat out. "Amelia, she's in trouble now tell me where she went!" he said. Amelia sighed, "i sent her to get something out of my car!" she told him where it was and he ran at vampire speed. he was too late Amelia's car boot was open and there were boxes scattered on the floor near blood that was defiantly Hannah's. Klaus's blood boiled, he had to find her and this hunter soon!

when he returned back to the village square the celebrations were over, he searched everywhere for her but with no luck, she was gone without a trace. as the sun set his worry grew into anger and when he returned to the mansion he smashed half of the furniture in his study. he had no leads no ideas, nothing and he knew they would do what ever it took to get to Klaus, he had to find her. When there was a knock at the front door he was determined to dismiss it, it was most likely one of the villagers come to create pointless small talk whilst there passing, but the knock persisted. he opened the door and was surprised to see Chelsea out of breathe and wide eyed "i wont to make a deal Klaus!" she said.


Hannah's POV.

 When Hannah awoke she was in a familiar room, she hadn't been in this room in over a year. her head was banging and her wrists sore as there being tied down tight with harsh rope to the arms of a chair. she looks around her old front room, there is nothing changed since the last time she was in there apart from the addition of wooden stakes and what looked like clear grenades lining the room. She felt a sharp pain when a piece of cloth is pressed on her head she turns to see the American, "please let me go..." she says weakly as her head still hurt and the unnatural sleep still hadn't left her system. "sorry but that's not going to happen Hannah" Byron's voice entered the room he bent down to get a better look at her injurys, " not till your boy friend shows up anyway. god Lewis how hard did you let her fall. i said gently" he spoke first to her then the American Lewis when he saw how much she was bleeding.

Lewis continued to treat her, "i'm sorry but she was resisting, more force was necessary" he insisted. i'm going to keep an eye out for our expected guessed, you make sure she's okay before you do anything else" Byron left again, Hannah found it hard to believe he was actually bothered about her well fare. "what are you?" Hannah asked Lewis. "a which" he said, he wasn't in the chatting mood obviously. Hannah looked around her front room. Her mums photography magazine was still open on the coffee table and the remote to the tv was still on her dads arm chair, nothing had been moved "you know it was cruel of you to bring me here" she said to him, "i don't know how much you know about me bu-" he cut her off. "i know what happened to your parents, but this was the only place that Klaus wouldn't find us until we wanted him to" he said. Hannah couldn't say anything back to this, it was smart, technically this house is abandoned because she owns it, so he wouldn't think to look here.

A few minutes later Byron entered again and lewis went to cover his post. "I noticed you havnt got any vervain in you system, thats disapointing because i tried very hard to get anough vervain to put in the water suply." her pulled out a sterile sering from a black case containg a clear liquid. "whats that?" she said starting to hyper ventilate. "just vervain, it'll be out little secret, i wont tell klaus if you dont" he said injecting it into her arm she tensed but it was too late and the substance got into her blood stream. Hannahs head indury got the best of her again as her vision became blurry again and he felt dreary, "no..." she protested weakly before falling into a sleep again.


Klaus's POV

"Chelsea what a unexpected surprise" he said trying to put on his best mortal face even though he just wanted to slam the door and figure out where Hannah was. "cut the crap Klaus i know what you are" she said getting straight to the point. "why don't you come in" he said and she entered into the foyer. "wheres my cousin?" she said, Klaus didn't really know how to tell her he didn't know so he remained silent "she trusted you and you let her get taken by a hunter!" she said angrily. "i've search ever inch of this village they could possibly be!" he stated, "if you have any better ideas love feel free to share" he added before getting back to what she had said at the door, "you said you wanted to make a deal" he said, she didn't reply but passed him a picture from an article, Katherine. "shes human" she said knowing what he was thinking. the doppelganger, Klaus thought the patrova line ended with Katherina this isn't possible, "this isn't possible" he said. "it is" she said simply, "i have the rest of the article somewhere safe, it has her name and location on it; i'll give it you for a price of course"

Klaus looked at hannahs best freind before asking "whats your price?". Chelsea stood her ground, klaus didnt doubt she was freaking out inside. "when we get hannah back, which we will, i want you to compell her to forget all about you and to come traveling with me" She said, klaus didnt want to let her go nor did he want to let the doppleganger go either, he didnt know how it was possible but it was; not he was faced with an choice, his lover or his wolf. "klaus please, you know whats better for her, if she just forgets she'll be out of harms way i'll keep her safe. you know she can never be safe with you  i just want to protect her!" she says, she had a point, Klaus thought about loosing her; the thought killed him but he didnt see anougher choice, she was right. he was a threat to her, its the hunter today but who tomorrow? anougher vamipire? his siblings? he had to protect her at any cost. "fine" he said forcing back tears.

He couldn't believe he had just agreed to it, a part of him just wanted to burn the picture of the doppelganger and forget about her but he couldn't bring himself to do that either. He loved Hannah and he had to let her go even if it meant hurting himself. he had the power to let her have a normal life and that seemed like the best thing for her. He looked at her best friend who looked relieved "good lets go find my best friend."

Shouldnt I? (klaus love story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara