Chapter 2 <3

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When I got back home my step brother Jonny was sat on the sofa watching a film and drinking beer with his friend Mike. Mike,Mike,Mike... God he is gorgeous! That blonde hair and blue eyes makes him dreamy. I then reolised that I was staring at him.

I quickly jumped in and said "Ermm where's dad?"

"Oh he and my mum went out to dinner somewhere." Jonny replied

"Oh okay. When they coming back?" I asked

"I dunno, probably like 11.00pm or something" He said

" Ok .." I started to walk out the room. He never really talked properly when he had his friends round.

" Wait. Chels." said Jonny.

I stoped to wonder what he would say.

" Go get me and Mike some more drink" He cheekly told me.

" No. Get it yourself you lazy bitch!" I joked

Then Mike smiled at me with his gorgeous face and I walked into the kitchen and gave them the drinks.

" Cheers babe!" Jonny said sarcastically. And I wandered off upstairs to try my outfit on for tomorrow.

I stared at myself in the mirror with the dress on. Its tight fitting made my boobs look big and the shortness made me look sexy. I couldn't wait for tommorow to come the party is gonna be great. I need a boyfriend I thought. All the guys flirt with me and stuff but I've never really had a serious relationship. I have been on a few dates and I've kissed and stuff but that's about it. Hopefully I'll find a boyfriend tommorow night at Imogens party!

I heard lady gagas Judas playing. I reolised Alex was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hi Chels! It's Alex. I'm just ringing to see if you'd heard?"

"Heared about what?" I asked excitedly

"That Gina and Tom have split up!"

"Really?! Why what happened?"

"Well you know Gina got selected to do that modling thing. Well Tom said he didnt want to be with her if she was gonna be a model because he thinks all the guys will be flirting around her and she will be around lots of hot boys so she will end up cheating on him with some model person!"

"Omg that is perfetic!"

"I know! But the good thing is that Tom is sooooo good looking and he is now avalible!"

"Haha Alex you do make me laugh! Well I better get going I'm off for an early night!"

"Okay well see you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" I hung up and got into bed.



Well hope you enjoyed that chapter!

The party is in the next one and its gonna be really interesting ;D

I'll upload soon!

Please comment and vote!

:D xxx

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