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"Lucy!" Sting complained early in the morning, waking the blonde up from her slumber.
"What?!" She asked giving a glare that was as bad as Erza's.
Sting had shivers just looking at her, but finally came up with some courage and whined out," I'M HUNGERY!"
Lucy obviously irritated with the blonde, had a tick mark on her forehead.
It was early in the morning, this is like literally the first morning that he didn't have a hangover. Everyone was asleep except the two.
"Ok... fine just let me wake up," she said giving up.
Sting smirked like he won the lottery and went to do Stingy-bee things.
Lucy went back into her bedroom and pulled some clothes on and as usual made sure her keys were still hooked onto her belt.
She brushed her hair and put the blonde locks into pig tails.
She then walked into the kitchen and didn't see Rogue.
She noticed Frosche, Sting, and Lecter but no Rogue.
"Where's Rogue?" Lucy asked Sting politely.
"I don't know... he usually disappears," Sting said casually.
Lucy sighed and put her focus on cooking eggs and pancakes.
She usually gives Frosche something extra like this time it was pink and green sprinkles on the pancakes, and last time it was whip cream.
"Fro!" Frosche yelled happily ready to eat her pancakes.
Lecter just grunted at Lucy saying things like, "Sting could do better," or "Sting you should've helped her."
Which caused the two, to automatically fight.
Sting didn't ever listen to them fight, and if he did he'd smirk at what Lecter says about him.
Finally curious Lucy searched for Rogue who was nowhere to be seen.
She got up from the table and searched where he sleeps but, it looked like she had just made it.
Rogue is a neat freak and likes to remake his bed as soon as he wakes up.
Lucy then wondered aloud, "did he go to the park this early?"
"Fro take good care of my house while I'm gone!" Lucy shouted before running out the door.
Before she left she heard Sting yell, "why not me?"
Lucy chuckled, "I'll let you take care of my house when pigs fly!"
Lucy then didn't listen to what else he had to say she ran through the door and towards the park...

At the park...

"Rogue??" Lucy said looking at the figure, "there you are."
Rogue was watching the river, this is where they kissed, yesterday.
"Lucy..." Rogue said without taking his eyes of the river, "do you still love Natsu?"
Lucy stopped and looked at him, "well... of course not otherwise I wouldn't have kissed you..."
Rogue looked at her, and a smile was placed on his face it was kind and gentle.
"Who's in charge at your apartment?" Rogue suddenly asked.
Lucy took a seat next to him on the bench, "Frosche."
"Good," Rogue sighed out of relief.
Lucy just giggled and laid her head on rogue's shoulder.
"Does this mean we're? Uh, d-dating?" Rogue asked nurvously.
"Of course!" Lucy said without any emotion except the hint of red on her cheeks.
Rogue relaxed and smiled.
"Rogue..." Lucy said looking into his eyes, "this will be our place, ok?"
She pulled out her pinky finger and he smiled softly and said, "Our place," he wrapped his pinky finger around hers indicating that he promised.
Lucy smiled and pulled his hand up saying, "now I've made some pancakes! Let's go!"
Rogue stopped, "hold on."
He then grabbed her other hand and then pulled her towards him, and he pressed his lips to hers once again.

Back at the house...
Still early in the morning...

Lucy gasped as she saw a pig swinging from her window.
"May I ask why you have a pig hanging from your window?" Rogue asked his expression not changing but Lucy's was her eyes were as big as sausers.
"Uhh, your guess is as good as mine," Lucy said her eyes still big.
Then they heard something shatter from inside and they both looked at each other and ran for the front door.

Shadows brought into the stars (book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora