we're back minna!

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"We're back minna!" Lucy yelled opening the guild doors.
"Lucy\bunny girl\ Luce\ Lu-chan!" Everyone greeted her smiling.
But when Sting did what she did everyone grunted and glared.
"Hey, Blondie! Wanna go!" Natsu said starting a fight with Sting.
"Hey, fire breathe! Maybe you should realize that your partner is blonde to!" Lucy heard Gray shout.
Then the three got into a fight which caused the whole guild to fight, and Lecter cheered Sting on.
Lucy sat on a stool afar from the fights,with Levy, Mira, Frosche, and Rogue.
"Lucy, I will be leaving with Fro to your apartment," Rogue said emotionlessly to Lucy.
"Kk! Bye Fro!" Lucy said giggling.
Then the two left the guild quietly.
"You know normally... he wouldn't talk but when your around he talks... are you to secretly dating?!" Mirajane asked excitedly.
"No, no no!" Lucy said quickly, "we're just friends!"
"You know, Lu-chan, Mira-san is right!" Levy said giggling with Mira.
Erza just sat there eating her strawberry cake.
"Mira-nee! Natsu and I are officially dating!" Lisanna told her sister Mira excitedly.
Mira just smiled warmly to her sister.
But Lucy was sighing to herself luckily nobody heard, she liked Lisanna and all but she loved Natsu.
"Let's celebrate!" Someone yelled and knowing Fairy tail they did.
"Hey, Levy-chan I'm going back to my apartment, ok?" Lucy said faking a smile.
"K, Lu-chan! " Levy said smiling.
Lucy was walking to get apartment in the dark, alone.
She about to call Plue for company when!
Rogue was thinking as he watched his exceed fall asleep that Lucy is way to forgiving and he wanted to do something special for her, like a light show or something.
Whenever he thought about her he smiled and he couldn't help but smile at the thought of her.
It was natural he was falling hard for the Celestial wizard.
"Rogue-kun~!" Sting yelled opening the door to Lucy's apartment, pulling Rogue out of his thoughts about Lucy.
Sting was obviously drunk.
"Where's Lucy and Lecter?" Rogue asked.
"Lecter is behind me, and who's Lucy? Oh right that really hot blonde fairy! I don't know," Sting said.
And Lecter just dragged himself inside behind Sting, tired.
"Good night," was what Sting said before calapsingonto the floor, and Lecter did the same.
'Lucy?' Rogue kept thinking.
"She'll turn up Rogue-kun, go to sleep with Fro," Frosche said yawning.
Rogue decided to go out and look for Lucy.
"Lucy?!" He used his shadow drive and went through every shadow nearby and since it was night he went everywhere.
He was close to the bridge near the guild when he heard a familiar scream!
He raced to the source on time to see Lucy tied up and beaten.
She looked like she had been hurt pretty badly.
Rogue immediately rushed to her side.
"Rogue?" She croaked.
She couldn't see straight... and he untied her wrists and she was free, "their gone..."
Lucy started to cry, tears running down her face.
"Who's gone?" Rogue asked worried for Lucy.
"My... keys," she said and then passed out.
Rogue immediately noticed, she was right her keys were gone.
(BTW Yukino gave Lucy her keys in this so Lucy had all 13 Zodiac keys)

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