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"Here my spirit tracker, it comes in handy," Loke said bragging, lifting his glasses closer to his eyes. His hand was in the fist form and there was a bright light leaking from it.
Lucy, Loke, and Rogue were following the way to the keys while, they made the others stay behind for safety.
"So are you two dating?" Loke randomly asked.
"Uh, Loke!" Lucy yelled blushing a deep red like Rogue.
But Rogue hid it easily by looking away.
"I mean I'm just saying that my princess, should have a king, and if not you Rogue, then me," Loke said earning a really loud sigh from both Lucy and Rogue.

Meanwhile at the guild....

"What?!" Natsu shouted angrily at Sting.
"Lucy, Rogue, and Loke went... on a 'mission'," Sting explained.
"Oh, why didn't she tell us? Or even see us?" Mira asked politely.
Everyone was either drinking or listening into their conversation.
"As long as Lucy's with Loke it's ok," Gray said.
"What mission did she go on?" Levy asked sitting on a table with Jet, Droy, Gajeel, and Pantherlily.
"Oh, uh, I don't know... she and Loke didn't tell me," Mirajane said trailing off by herself.
"It was to pay her rent?" Sting lied.
There were sounds of 'oh' or 'that makes more sence' in the guild.
"Oh well that makes since! Come on Natsu we're going on a mission!" Lisanna said with jet loud voice giggling.
Natsu just followed her silently.
"Wow, that sure was a close one," Sting blurted out.
But nobody except Gajeel heard him, Natsu was busy listening to Lisanna.
"Well that's nice I'm glad Lucy never had a problem with Natsu and Lisanna, dating! I think it was that... NALI!" Mirajane said giggling.
"Nali?" Erza asked finishing her cake.
"Oh, it's my ship name for Natsu and Lisanna!" Mirajane explained.
"Oh but... Rolu! My new shipping will be ROLU!" Mira giggling.
"Ugh, I give up!" Cana said to herself.
"Hey let's celebrate on wishing Lucy, and Loke good luck!" Someone yelled, forcing everyone to celebrate randomly.

Back with Loke, Lucy, and Rogue...

"Loke are you sure this is where it told you to lead us?" Lucy asked Loke.
They all stood in front of a cabin, in the forest.
"Why yes miss Lucy!" Loke said with hearts for eyes.
"Ok!" Lucy said giggly.
Then they all walked up to the door, but Rogue stayed close to Lucy.
nothing, silence.
"I say we barge right in there!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Lucy?" Loke said, "your acting way to much like Natsu!"
"Oh, right sorry, but what do you say we do?" Lucy asked.
Rogue wasn't paying much attention to them he had his full focus on the cabin, because to him it looked familiar.
'But where from?' He wondered to himself.
Lucy noticed this and lightly tapped his shoulder bringing him from his thoughts.
"What?" He asked in his emotionless tone, clueless.
Lucy giggled, "what do you think we should do?"
Rogue shrugged.
"Yeah figures," Loke muttered.
"Huh?" Lucy asked, confused at Lokes sudden coldness towards Rogue.
"You two still haven't figured it out yet?!" Loke snickered.
"What? Loke?!" Lucy asked.
Rogue stepped in front of Lucy protectively, between her and Loke is where he stood.
"Your not Loke are you?" Rogue asked squinting his eyes angrily.
"You guessed it!" Loke smiled, like the Joker from batman.
"Loke?!" Lucy yelled/asked fear in her voice.
"Lucy stay back!" Rogue muttered loud enough for her to do as told.
"Let me explain! I'm here from the shadows! But my brother! His name is Blackeye!" Loke said.
But then the Loke we all knew disappeared and his once red hair turned black, his dreamy eyes turned red, and his clothes burning off to reveal a hood and a black cloth.
"Wait," Lucy said breaking the silence, then bursting into a fit of laughter, "like the Black Eyed Peas?"
Loke had a tick mark on his head and glaring at the laughing blonde!
"Ok..." Loke said sighing very loudly, "let me tell you..I'm not the real Loke! I am a fake the real Loke or... Leo is with the rest of your keys!"
"And where are my keys?!" Lucy asked.
The Loke imposter smirked and pointed at the cabin.
"Wait, why would you just suddenly tell us where they are?" Rogue asked bluntly, with a blank expression.
"Because I'm nothing compared to the horror in there," 'Loke' said.
"Ok then! Let's go!" Lucy said grabbing Rogue's hand and pulling him towards the cabin.
"Nope you can't-" but before Loke could finish his own sentence Rogue used his shadow dragon slayer magic to easily knocking Loke out.
And the two ran through the doors of the dark cabin.

Meanwhile at the guild...

"CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" All of the members of Fairy tail chanted, and as you all would know Sting and Cana were having a drinking competition.
"Ok!" Sting shouted wiping his mouth of leaking beer, "I give up!"
"Ha ha! I knew you weren't anywhere close to me in drinking!" Cana chuckled.
But in the back of the guild Lisanna sat at a table next to Happy and Natsu.
"Lisanna why can't we go on a mission again?" Natsu asked wining.
"Because I think they're all way to dangerous! I don't want to almost die again!" Lisanna said crossing her arms and pouting.
"Yes deer," Natsu said, tired, and sighing loudly.
"Aye," Happy said without energy.
But when Mira noticed their lack of energy, she started," why don't you guys go hang out with Lu-" She almost caught herself remembering Lucy was with Loke and Rogue.
Natsu and Happy glared at her.
"Sorry," she said with a slight giggle.
(I hope you liked it! BTW I am a Nalu fan but I really like Rolu and Sticy. And I strongly can't stand Nali but I do like to give them their real personalities and Lisanna isn't evil, so sorry to those of you who want her to be evil!)

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