Sabertooth in Lucy's apartment

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As hours passed in the guild it turned into night...
After Lucy finished talking to Rogue, he decided to stay at the guild for awhile because Sting was drunk.
Lucy decided to take Frosche to her apartment with her, so the exceed can't be influenced.
Lecter stayed behind because he wanted to cheer Sting on.
"Fro would you like to meet, Plue?" Lucy asked the exceed in the frog costume.
They were walking the path to Lucy's apartment.
"Fro thinks so!" Frosche yelled cutely.
Lucy just giggled, but deep down she was jealous of the fact that Lisanna and Natsu are together.
"Ok, Gate of the Canis Minor, Plu!" The blonde celestial wizard chanted.
Then Plue her snow man\dog appeared.
Frosche immediately ran to Plu and hugged him.
'They would be good friends...' Lucy thought.
Then the trio continued to walk to Lucy's apartment.
"Sting," Rogue said to his drunk friend," your drunk let's leave."
Sting, as a drunk, said, "where to? We got none place!"
"Lucy volunteered to let us stay at her place," Rogue explained.
"Oh," was all he muttered before he like many others passed out.
Rogue just grabbed the sleepy Lecter and took him to Lucy's apartment by using shadows.
Leaning Sting to wake up in the guild with the rest of the drunks.
When Rogue reached the apartment he appeared in the living room, and saw as the sleeping Lucy and Frosche were cuddling cutely in Lucy's bed.
Rogue also noticed the spots on the floor for him and his fellow dragon slayer.
He muttered a soft and quiet chuckle and went to bed.
As expected the next morning Sting woke up with a hangover on the floor of the guild.
And Lucy had waken up earlier and left on a walk.
Rogue, Lecter, and Frosche were in her apartment, sleeping.
But Rogue noticed that Lucy was missing and decided to search for her.
Sting somehow made his way to the apartment and easily slept next to his exceed.
Lucy was crying on the park bench, she realized something big... she was in love with Natsu but he doesn't feel the same way.
She easily put her hands in her face and cried.
"Is something wrong?" Rogue asks walking calmly out of the shadows.
Lucy was of course startled but soon lifted her head to give off a fake smile,"yup!" She said, "everything's okay!"
Rogue knew better, he invented the whole mask your feelings thing.
'Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it, not that I care,' he thought.
"Ok," he said and started to disappear into the shadows.
"Wait!" She said to him, "how do you do it?"
"Do what?" Rogue said blankly.
"Hide your feelings, why can't I be like you and be strong enough to keep a straight face, I'm so weak!" Lucy cried.
"Your not weak... I've never seen anyone stand up to Minerva the way you did, that takes guts, and I guess-" He was cut off.
"Wait! I didn't know you could say more than three words!" Lucy said breaking out of her tears and giggling.
Rogue just smiled, it was small but it was a smile.
"You should smile more," Lucy said looking at his smile.
"What?" Rogue asked blankly.
Which made Lucy giggle.
"Oh," Rogue said remembering something, "I apologize for my future self killing your future self. I guess I was a little evil."
Rogue had speed smiling and was dead serious.
But Lucy just cocked her head to the side and smiled, "I forgave you a long time ago!"
Rogue, for some reason felt relieved but didn't show it, so he just nodded, "I must get back..."
And he stood up and started to disappear into the shadows.
Lucy just looked at the river that had a bridge connecting to the other side, that path lead her back to her apartment, and she sighed.
"Thanks Rogue," she muttered quietly, that only a dragon slayer could hear, and Rogue did as he disappeared.
He smiled and disappeared.
Only to reappear to feed his exceed breakfast.

Shadows brought into the stars (book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora