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"How long are we going to keep running?" Lucy asked/whined, while running alongside Rogue.
"We just took a break," Rogue said keeping his eyes on the path in front of him.
The two were walking through the cabin hoping 'Loke' was telling the truth when he said that Lucy's keys are here.
"I know but my feet are killing me!" Lucy complained.
Rogue just silently rolled his eyes.
But he was smiling.
Lucy was secretly suffering more than her feet, she kept hearing voices saying, 'LUCY... LUCY...' the voices were repeating her name over and over again.
She stayed strong and kept her losing her sanity a secret.
But finally after awhile of running through an empty hall it became to much for her.
Rogue was leading the way and she was trailing a little bit behind him.
"Aahhh!" She screamed as she held her head from the pain.
'LUCY... LUCY... LUCY...' They repeated, and then that was all she heard,
She immediately caught rogue's attention and when he turned around she was already an the floor, rocking herself.
She was repeating her name, "LUCY... LUCY"
Soon her voice hissed her name.
"Lucy!" Rogue kneeled down, she had her hands covering her ears," What's wrong?"
She had no reaction, like she didn't hear.
Her eyes were closed tight, and she kept rocking back and forth.
"Lucy! Snap out of it!" Rogue shouted shaking her.
Still nothing.
She kept it up without any different emotion.
"LUCY?!" Rogue yelled panicking.
But Rogue just grabbed her and hugged her.
She stopped.
"Lucy?" Rogue said in a soft worried whisper.
Her eyes slowly fluttered open.
The usual brown orbs stared back at him, "huh? What happened?"
"You started to act weird, and kept saying your own name over and over," Rogue said with emotion.
Lucy looked down sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry, the last thing I remember was... voices saying my name over and over again," Lucy said thinking.
"Lucy... I'm here," Rogue said smiling.
Lucy just nodded at the shadow dragon slayer.
"We should probably continue on," Lucy said getting up.
Rogue watched her closely in case there was, for some reason, a mistake.
"Let's go!" Lucy said suddenly excited.
Rogue nodded emotionlessly.
Then the two realized that this cabin wasn't even this big and they've been walking through the dark hall for far too long.
Then suddenly!
Lucy and Rogue were running side by side.
Lucy for some reason lost her balance and fell forward.
Closing her eyes.

Her mind...
At first it was a woman in a hood...
But then it changed.
And she saw a dark bedroom room with curtains and a wooden floor. But the only window had a little bit of light shining through from the moon outside.
It was shining directly on a specific wooden box that looked like a jewelery box.

She opened her eyes and Rogue looked back at her a scared expression was on his face.
"What-?" Rogue asked, Lucy quickly got to her feet and grabbed his hand while she was at it and ran down the hall, taking a sharp turn into a bedroom that was unfamiliar to Rogue.
"Lucy?" Rogue asked surprised at her sudden actions, and the fact that she looked determined.
She kneeled down and Rogue looked over at what was sitting in front of her and it was a wooden jewelery box.
She looked at it, she stared at it.
Rogue watched her carefully as she lifted the lid to reveal...
Her keys!
"But how?!" Rogue asked, in shock.
Lucy quickly grabbed her keys and strapped them to her belt.
She looked at Rogue with a smile on her face and she instantly grabbed him in for a hug.
"Thank you..." she said in a whisper.
His eyes that were wide, became soft and his mouth turned into a smile.
But they instantly pulled away when they heard a cackling sound, that was only familiar to Lucy.

Shadows brought into the stars (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now