Chapter Four: The Bad Boy's Enemy

Start from the beginning

What was that all about?

Deep down inside, though, I knew I could have been a bit nicer. But that's not how things work here! You either work with or against everyone, and you don't get anything in return. That includes a thank you.

"What a baby, " I murmured to myself before gathering my things and taking off after him.

He was a fast walker, I'll give him that. By the time I caught up to him, he was out of the school and about twenty yards down the street, sticking to the road that eventually led into the slums of District Two. Why on earth would he be going there? Idiot.

I quickened my pace slightly, and came up behind him. "Stop walking so fast, will you?"

He didn't even glance over his shoulder. "Quit following me."

"Not until y-"

He whirled around. "Look, you and I, we're not meant to talk to each other, got it? I want you out of my life. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't be anywhere near me. I don't want to have to look out for you and I sure don't want to be friends with you. So just stay away from me."

I stood there wide-eyed as he blasted me with his little mini-rant. Had he just dumped me?! Oh wait, we weren't even dating - but you get the point! How dare he! His rant didn't even make sense! What kind of person just says that to someone!

My temper immediately rose to a dangerous level, and I clenched my fists tightly, trying to calm myself down. Unfortunately there was no chance of that because he continued, "I could have let you been beaten, you know! Could have left you there to have them do who knows what to you! But did I? No. No, I didn't. And I didn't even get one thank you."

I let out a huff of irritation before my fist collided with his jaw, and a loud crack was heard. Did I just break Cato's jaw?

My eyes widened even more after I saw what I had just done. I was in for it now. Steam practically poured from Cato's ears. His face was red with rage and his eyes looked clouded with pure hatred. Before he could do anything, I took off running down the street.

Call me a coward, but I kind of need to be alive to participate in the Games.


"Presenting to you, " the Capitol escort chirped, "your 74th Annual Hunger Games Tributes! You two may shake hands." She gestured to us, and we turned to each other.

The roar of the crowd was deafening. I heard people calling both mine and Cato's names, shouting wild things. They all knew one of us would be the winner. How could District Two not take home the win this year?

Anyone who said otherwise would be considered a fool.

I clasped Cato's hand and stared coldly into his blue eyes. His face looked calm but his eyes told a different story. One that I couldn't even begin to comprehend, and to be honest, it scared me. Slightly.

Peacekeepers brought us apart and led us into the Justice Building, taking us each into separate rooms, which I'm assuming were decorated the same.

The room was not particularly dark, but it didn't hold a lot of light, either. Two plush, velvety-looking chairs were in one corner of the room, along with a circular oak coffee table with a flower pot on it. It didn't have any flowers in it.

A few minutes passed, and no visitors came for me. It didn't bother me, but didn't anyone want to talk to their future visitor? Send her off properly? Even congratulate her?

Ten more minutes passed and the allotted time for visitors was now over. No one had come to visit me, and I had to get over it. It wasn't a big deal anyway. They were probably all waiting outside to watch us be escorted to the train station.

A peacekeeper led me outside the Justice Building through another door, where Cato and the escort, whose name I had learned by word of mouth, was Belinda.

A few feet away from them, was a car. I'm assuming we'd be taken in that to the train station. It was nothing fancy, but it was the first car I'd seen in years, so it sparked excitement in me. However, it was the thought of being in the arena that really got my adrenaline going.

We all got into the car, and Belinda sat between Cato and I, which I was extremely thankful for. Hey, I didn't need an awkward confrontation to rain on my parade!

As we began driving down the street, the crowds of people on both sides of the road came into view. I was right, they were all there, cheering us on, and sending us goodbyes. I laughed to myself as I saw two people seemingly argue over who was going to bring the glory back here. Their fight got violent and I rolled my eyes, losing interest. Their attacks were feeble.

Leaning back in the seat, I began thinking ahead to my journey to the Capitol.


OKAY! Here it is. I hope y'all like it. If you don't then OH WELL. I'll always try better next time! However, I can't do that if you don't leave me FEEDBACK.

Seriously guys, that stuff is extremely important to me. Just have at it! Tell me what you liked, what you didn't like, anything! It's all spectacular.

I mean it.

I love it.

Give it to me.


Anyway, I worked on this for about two hours, and I haven't had time to proof read it yet because my break is almost over. Bleh.

I can't wait for summer. Seriously, it needs to come faster.




If you want to :)

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