The Dream

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My head feels heavy and it is pounding. My eyes are sore and crusted shut and I have to pry them open. As soon as I do, I notice that I am in a dark and eerily silent forest. I glance around through the trees, trying to take in my surroundings and figure out where I am. I have no recollection of getting here - the only thing I remember was laying down in my bed to sleep and poof! I woke up here. I slowly prop myself up on my elbows and as soon as I do I hear a low guttural noise. I can feel my heartbeat increase as I hurriedly glance through the trees, trying to locate the source of the noise. I keep hoping that it is not a bear because I really do not feel like I want to die by a bear attack. I hear another rustling noise behind the trees and I look over to find bright, yellow eyes peering back at me from the foliage.

Panic filled my stomach and worked its way up my throat. "Oh, God," I thought, "I'm going to puke".

As soon as I thought that, the eyes seemed to glow brighter and they looked like they were coming towards me. I started sprinting. I need to get out of here quickly. Whatever has the yellow eyes cannot be good news and I do not feel like dying tonight. Hopefully it is just a bear and I can outrun it.

My breath came out in hard pants as my feet hit the muddy ground unsteadily. I moved my head left and right trying to see my surroundings when I heard a twig snap behind me. I could feel my heart race and the nauseous feeling came back. I could hear heavy breathing.

My body kept telling me to move around just to see what it is and to make sure I am just being chased by a bear. My brain was telling me to run far, far away. My body betrayed my mind and I turned around. As soon as I did, I felt a sharp pain in my head. A scream pierced the air as I fell. Then total darkness consumed me

I flung my eyes open and sat up to the heavy beeping of my alarm clock. I heaved my arm over and shut it off. I was covered in sweat and breathing heavily from the nightmare. They have always felt all too real. It felt more like a vision. It isn't the first time I've had a dream like this. I had been having these dreams ever since my mother, Mary, had died. I never knew why, my father, John Winchester, wouldn't talk about it. We had just moved into this small, but cozy two-story house, needing a new change of scenery.

I reluctantly got out of bed and trudged to the bathroom next door, not wanting to go to school today. It's the first day at this new school since we've just moved here. After a quick shower, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. My little brother darted out of his room and slid across the wood floor before almost falling into his bathroom.

I chuckled then rolled my eyes. That boy can never be on time for anything. "Late start, huh?" I ask rhetorically.

Sam scoffs. He mumbles something indecipherable.

I grabbed my favorite food out of the fridge: pie! I stuck my fork in the sweet pastry with heaven filling and noticed that it was past the time to go. It was 7:15 and classes start at 7:45.

"Come on, Sammy! We're going to be late!" I shouted.

Instead of Sam, I saw my dad walking down the stairs. He nods at me in acknowledgment, "I'm going to be out in the car. Come out when Sam is ready," John said in a low voice, void of any emotion. He had become detached ever since our mother died.

"I'm coming, Dean!" He shouted back. Seconds later I see my abnormally tall little brother come tumbling out of the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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