:: No way, Jose ::

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Chapter 1: No way, Jose

~3 Months later~

"Don't freak out." I warned my best friend, stealing glances out the window. My dad wasn't due home for at least another three hour, but I was still anxious to actually say the words out loud. 

"You're freaking me out by saying that." Mickey chuckled but I could see the concern on her face.

"Remember that party we went to like three or four months ago?" 

"Oh my god, you slept with someone?" She questioned, coming over to the window and pulling my attention to her. I looked down, refusing to meet her eyes. "Who?"

"It doesn't matter who. That's not the problem." I said quietly.

"Then what is the problem?" I knew her eyebrows would be scrunched together because I could hear the confusion in her voice. 

I didn't answer, just kept my head down, my eyes filling with tears. Jeez, this wasn't supposed to happen. Not to me, of all people.

"You got aids? Chlamydia? The clap?" She pestered, making my insides spin. 

"No, that's not it." I snapped, looking up at her with blurry eyes. "I'm pregnant." 

There was silence as she looked around the room awkwardly, before finally landing on me. "So, uh, who's your baby daddy?"

I scoffed, looking up towards the ceiling to keep the tears from falling. Of course she was going to ask that, why wouldn't she ask that? "Like I said, it doesn't matter." 

"Does he know?" Was her next question. 

"No." I rubbed my crying eyes, finally looking at her. "What am I going to do, Mickey?" I leaned forward, resting my forehead on her shoulder. Her hand ran down my straitened hair, trying to soothe me. "What am I supposed to do?" 

"I'm sorry, Hollie. I don't have any advice for you this time." She told me, pulling me over to my bed and sitting me down. I went willingly, falling back and laying down instead. She suddenly gasped, "Is that why you go to the bathroom almost every period at school? To throw up?"

"Yeah." I groaned, remembering the first time I threw up. 

Mr.Miller was droning on and on about world war one, and though it was interesting to me, it didn't sound quite as interesting coming from Mr.Miller's mouth. My stomach was rolling, doing flips and turns as I fidgeted in my seat. 

My hand flew up in the air. I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here now. 

"Yes, Miss Pierce? What is the reasoning behind your interruption?"  The whole class turned to me.

"I have to go to the bathroom." 

"There's ten minutes left of class, can't you wait?" 

"No, I have to go now." I replied, already standing up. I could feel Mickey's eyes on me as I walked to the front of the class, handing Mr.Miller my bathroom pass so he could sign it. He gave me a look, but snatched the pass out of my hand roughly, scribbling on it and giving it back. 

I practically ran from the room, and I dropped my stuff on the ground as soon as I got in the bathroom. I didn't even care about people stealing anything as I raced to the closest stall, not even bothering to close the door before I kneel down and put over the toilet. 

What is wrong with me?

"It was that day in history when I flew out of the room faster than a speeding bullet." I told her, putting a hand to my throbbing head. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I actually slept with Logan Richards, never mind the fact that he knocked me up. 

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