Chapter Four

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Hey, guys! So, in this chapter, I'll be putting a POV for Tyler!! You'll get to see what's going on in his mind.

(By the way, I just actually scared the crap out of myself because I'm using different headphones and my music sounds so much better and when one of my songs started, The High Road by Three Days Grace, it freaked me out. His voice sounded like someone was behind me. Scary.)

Sorry, I just had to say that. Anyways, enjoy that chapter!!!


Tyler's POV

I can't believe I just gave Antoinette a ride on my bike. I mean, I don't give anyone rides. Ever.

She's a really weird girl. She's such a goody-goody, yet she smoked.

Ahh. Speaking of smoking, I need a cigarette. My dad doesn't give a shit about me anyways.

I walk to my desk and grab my pack. I pick one out and light it with my lighter.

I inhale and blow the smoke out the window.

There's nothing to do in this shithole of a town. No bars where hot chicks hang out, none of my friends are on this side of town. Nothing. It's boring as fuck.

Maybe I should invite Jonah and Greyson over to annoy Antoinette. That seems to be fun. I don't know why, but it is.

I grab my phone and go to my contacts. I stop on Greyson's name and call him.

The phone rings once, twice, three times. They know I hate it when they don't pick up on the second. It bugs the shit out of me.

"Hey, Tyler," he says.

"Hey," I laugh. "You guys wanna come over?"

He laughs. "Hell yeah! You live next to the hottest girl I've ever seen."

I roll my eyes and look out the window to Antoinette's. She's being boring. Time to lighten up the mood.

"Okay. Come over."

I hang up the phone and flick my cigarette out the window.


"Where is she?" Jonah asks, looking for Antoinette.

"Being boring as fuck," I answer.

He looks out my window and smiles when he sees her. He taps on her window.

She stands up and walks to the window. She opens it and cranes her head out.

"What?" she asks.

Jonah smiles. "We told you we'd be back."

She rolls her eyes. "I'm trying to study, so, bye."

"Come on, babe," Greyson smirks. "You know you want to talk to us."

She slaps a fake smile on her face. "I'm good. I'd rather throw up and die."

I chuckle, which earns the gazes of all three of them.

"What?" I ask. "It's funny."

Antoinette starts giggling and bites her lip to stop.

"What's so funny about it?" Jonah asks.


There's a knock on her door. "Yeah?" she calls out.

The door opens. "Hey, um... wait. Who are these guys?" the boy asks.

"Anthony, these guys are Tyler, Greyson, and Jonah."

Greyson and Jonah wave. I just sit on my bed, staring at Antoinette's boobs while she's looking at her brother.

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