Chapter Three

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I didn't get any sleep the entire weekend. When I woke up this morning, I looked like death.

I put on some light make-up, pulled my hair into a ponytail with stray hairs falling out, and ran out of the door.

So, here I am, sitting at the lunch table with Ryan and some other people.

"So, did you guys go to Aiden's party on Friday?" a girl, Sierra, asks.

We all nod.

"It was great," Ryan says.

"Not really," I hear a voice say from behind me.

I turn around and break into a huge smile. "Aiden," I say happily.

"Hey, Andi," he greets me with a hug.

He squeezes in next to me and sets down his tray.

"Anyways, it was the worst party I've ever thrown. I should probably host a better one some other time."

"Since when do you come to this school?" Sierra asks. "I thought you ditched us for Waress."

Aiden rolls his eyes. "Just because I left, doesn't mean I can't come back to my real home."

Sierra opens her mouth as if to say something, but closes it.

"I'm going to go," I announce.

I get up from the table, take care of my tray, and walk out the door. I make my way down the hall and push the main doors open.

I smell the air, fresh cut grass and flower aromas. There's another smell, smoke.

I look to my right and spot Tyler with a cigarette in between his fingers.

He brings it to his mouth and inhales, then exhales and a big cloud of smoke releases out of his perfectly shaped lips.

I don't know why, but its very interesting, admiring him.

He notices me looking and smirks. "Why is it that everywhere I go, you happen to show up?" he asks.

I frown. "Not everywhere. Sorry we go to the same school and live seven feet from one another," I say smartly.

He laughs and holds out the cigarette.

Should I? Should I kill my healthy lungs? It's just one time, right?

I take it between my fingers and bring it to my lips, feeling the smoke burn my throat.

I cough and hand it back to him.

He laughs. "First time?"

I nod.

He shakes his head. "Don't get into the habit. It sucks ass."

I laugh, my throat still burning from the smoke. "I bet."

He inhales once more before throwing it on the ground and stepping on it with his shoe.

"What are you doing out here?" he asks, blowing out smoke.

"I needed fresh air."


"It's hot in there. That's why," I point out.

"You got a point," he laughs.

I hear the bell ring and reach for the door handle, but his hand grips it first.

"Sorry," I apologize, pulling my hand back.

"Don't," he says.


"I hate when people apologize."

He opens the door and walks inside.

Who shit in your cornflakes?

I watch as he walks down the hallway to his locker. I then walk inside too and reach my locker to grab my things.


As I'm driving down the road, I turn up my music, Slow Chemical by Finger Eleven, and sing along.

I see beautiful houses as I pass by. I don't think I've ever gone down this road before, but the landscape is just amazing.

I make a turn to the right. I'm four blocks away from my house.

All of a sudden, my car rolls to a stop.

I frown and look at my gas tank. Empty.

Why? Why does this have to happen to me now?

I pout my lip and whine. "Dammit!" I cry out.

"Need a ride?" I hear a deep voice, like rich dark chocolate, say behind me.

I turn around and see a blue-eyed god, sitting on his motorcycle. I gulp. I can't reject his offer.

"Um... yeah. Just to my house, I'll have my mom get my car," I manage to say.

He smiles. "Okay. Hop on."

I grab my bag and open the door. I slam it shut and look at Tyler.

He gives me an impatient look and scoots forward.

I lift my leg and sit on the seat.

"Here," he says, giving me a helmet.

"What about you?" I ask.

He laughs. "I'll be fine. Trust me."

I put the helmet on my head and strap it under my chin.

"Hold on tight," I hear him say.

He all of a sudden gasses it and we shoot forward. I wrap my arms tight around his waist.

This is the first time I've ever touched him. It sends chills down my spine and butterflies spread in my stomach.

I smile as I hear the engine get louder as we get into smaller neighborhoods, disrupting their private, quiet night.

He takes a sharp turn onto our road and goes faster.

All of a sudden, the wind stops blowing and the fun has disappeared.

He pulls into his driveway and turns off the bike.

I take off his helmet and remove myself from the motorcycle.

I smile at him. "Thanks for the help," I say.

He nods. "No problem."

I walk to my house and close the door behind me.

"Mom?" I call through the house.

"Yeah?" she responds.

I walk to the living room and find her on the couch. "My car ran out of gas. Can you go pick it up?"

She sighs. "Yeah."

"Okay. Thanks," I say as I hug her.

I walk to the steps and when I put my foot on the first one, I hear my name.

"Antoinette," she calls to me.


"How'd you get home?"

I smile. "Our neighbor Tyler Anderson gave me a ride on his motorcycle."

She purses her lips. "Okay."

I smile at her and run up the stairs to my bedroom.


Heyyyyy!!! So, how was your guys' days? I really hope they were good because you all deserve happy days!

Listen to Slow Chemical by Finger Eleven! Personally, one of my favorite songs and one of my favorite bands. I actually have a lot of favorites, so... yeah.

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Love you all, always and forever!!

Sarah ❤

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