Chapter 19

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****Hi! Everyone I have an apology to make, I promised more updates since summer started, but I totally forgot about the four hour swim camp every morning and the four hour horseback riding lessons I have everyday. So by the time I get home, shower, and eat, I'm too tired to write and that's not fair to you guys as my readers who wait and vote for this story. So for that I'm truly sorry, But to make it up, I've decided to update two chapters today. So once again, I'm so sorry about the broken promise, I really do appreciate every single reader and voter out there who supports me and it makes me happy to know I'm providing quality material for you guys. Picture above is Ahri' stone (refer back to the last chapter). Please remember to COMMENT, VOTE, and FOLLOW ME!!****



The ride to the cave where Sabertooth was being held was quiet, no one spoke for most of the trip. The dragon took us through the cover of the clouds through the night as most of the members had fallen asleep on his back or were quietly murmuring to their comrades.

I had yet to say a word. I sat perched on the dragon's neck, starring up at the moon, wanting to reach the cave faster to get to Rogue, but also wondering what will happen when I finally go head to head with Ahri.

Her games and blackmail were getting annoying, it was time she stopped needlessly bringing others into our problem, they had nothing to do with it, but she didn't seem to care. All she seemed to care about was making it absolutely sure that we would clash eventually, and going on my gut, I'm feeling this going to be a 'two fighters enter, only one leaves' kind of thing.

The cold of night was washing over me like an invisible frost, but I was too tried to care. I kept my eyes trained on the never-ending night sky with millions of shinning flecks. I blocked out the rest of the world and listened to the rhythmic flapping of the dragon's wings and matched my breathing. I didn't even realized that someone was awake until the sound of material shuffling and someone sitting down beside me broke me from my trance.

I turned my head to see Natsu had come from his spot next to a sleeping Lucy who held Happy in her arms to come be next to me. I rotated my body and sighed.

"You look kinda cold, here," Natsu said as he held out his hand and a small flame ignited in his palm. I felt the warmth wash over me. I nodded my thanks and rubbed my warming hands together. Natsu tilted his head  and furrowed his brows.

"What's wrong?"

I scoffed, was that really a question.

"My sister, involving Fairy tail and Sabertooth, getting people hurt, getting villages destroyed, and...and... Falling for that damned Shadow Dragon Slayer!" I grit, clenching my hands into fists, turning my knuckles white.

He laughed.

I whipped my head around, ready to slap him, this was the last thing to be laughing about.

"Rin, I'm so not sorry!" he chortled, his huge smile illuminating the night. I narrowed my eyes and raised my fist.

"What's that?" I growled. He stopped laughing and grabbed my fist to lower them.

"Sorry that was the wrong thing to do, what I mean is that you should not be worried about anything, people are hurt every day, places are destroyed every day. Fairy Tail is always thrown into every problem no matter how far from us it is, I can't say for certain about Sabertooth, but they are a strong guild, not as strong as us of course, but they are home to some very powerful mages." He said, his face going back to normal and gazing up at the moon.

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