Chapter 18

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****Hi! Ok go ahead, call me a hypocrite, I say I'm start updating more an then I'm gone for two weeks. I'm really bad at this author stuff. But I have a good excuse this time. One word: EXAMS!!!!!!! I've been slam packed with exams for the past few weeks and I have to do well or my mom will take my laptop and I can't write, which would be very bad, so please pardon my absence. If anyone else is struggling to get through exams, I feel ya. Comment if you have any exams that sucked majorly or still have to do. I have my last one on Friday and them I am home free, my writing will most likely pick up right after that so we can expect a new chapter sometime within the next week. Just a warning, this is kind of a filler chapter because it does take Rin a day or so to get the mountain, which by the way is the picture above, but don't worry a secret will be revealed about Ahri in this chapter so it isn't a total lost cause. So big thanks to everyone that votes and the reads, I CAN'T BELIEVE WE BROKE 3K!!!!! I was so not expecting that and I hope to get more reads and vote, odds are if you vote I will follow you and maybe post a message for you, so maybe that'll help get more votes from you lovelies. Wow, this is way too long so, remember author-nim LOVES when you COMMENT, VOTE, SHARE, AND FOLLOW ME! Enjoy!!****


Ahri POV

I danced along the cave chasm ledge, swinging my arms like a child as I moved along the crumbling edge. My smile was stretching from ear to ear, my plan was going perfectly; Sabertooth had been easy enough to take out, I had my bait, and I knew that a frog or a cat, I wasn't sure what it was, had gotten away to tell Rin. I don't know if Rogue guessed I let the thing go or not, but everything was falling into place.

The demons in the chasm stirred when I had my poison demon drag in the guild's top wizards, everyone else in the guild was just you run of the mil mage who couldn't go squat to help their guild mates, pretty sad if you asked me.

I had the wizards chained up in the back of the cave with magic blocking shackles, I wasn't worried about that Minerva girl, her magic only works on magic that hasn't been cast or is being cast at that moment, she can't use it against magic already in place. They looked so pitiful and helpless chained up with no one to help them, it made the demons in my head sing.

I jumped off the edge and walked to my "room", which was just a smaller cave branching off with a bed, a light, a waterfall that ran into a stone bath, a ledge for my clothes, and a rack with my katana on it. I brushed my fingers over the scabbard before pulling away.

I knelt by the water pooling in the stone bath and placed my hand on the rock. The rocks began to heat up and so did the water. After the water started steaming I stood and shed my clothes and stepped in. I ran hot water through my snow-white hair and combed it with my fingers. I scrubbed my entire body, rubbing of dirt, grime, and blood.

I rubbed my shoulder and then moved to my collarbones and onto my chest. My fingers ran over a bump in my skin and I stopped to stroke the black gem embedded in my chest between the collarbones. I smiled to myself as I though of the smooth black stone merging with my skin, cut to perfection and glowing to the purest onyx.

That stone was how I controlled demons.

It channels that power of demon summoning magic and mixes it with my own magic. It's not possible to have two magics within one body, so the gem hold the magic for me. I closed my eyes and leaned back thinking back to when I first got this.


10 year old me stood in the woods, it was colds, dark and the trees were bare and dead. I felt my teeth chatter as I walked and rubbed my hands. I walked along the barren path, no birds chirped, no animals roamed, not even the sun reached this place.

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