Chapter 17

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Next day I woke up with my head pounding . Damn tequila. It is very strong and now I am feeling the after effects of last night shots.

As I dragged myself out of bed and reached kitchen to grab a glass of water I found Jess on the couch sipping coffee.

"Someone is grumpy this morning." She looked at me and handed me two small tablets and a glass of water.

"What is this?" I asked in my hoarse voice

Take it, it will help in whatever you are feeling right now.

We then talked about the events of last night apparently she saw me struggling and was about to come when Nathan punched that guy and took me home. She saw me leaving with him.

She had followed our car and came back home. She was afraid that I have been kidnapped by a super-hot guy. I told her about Nathan that he is my boss.

The rest of day went by in sleeping and cleaning the apartment. There are some rules established by Jess that once in a week we are supposed to clean the apartment and I having no say in the matter complied. Apparently my agency (Angela) has agreed to all her terms and conditions. So here I am princess of Asterland, biggest hater of cleaning having a ragged cloth I my hand and cleaning the living room with my new found OCD friend Jess.

As Saturday night came by we were ready for movie night. Jess has selected a series of 'chick flicks'. She said these are a must watch movies for every girl.

'Chick flicks' a strange word. I always thought chicks are used for chickens and not girls but again who am I to take any objection on the vocabulary of the inhabitants of this great planet

I have never seen a movie earlier. We were allowed to watch educational videos or some songs in our workshop but never an actual movie. And these are amazing. These were more interesting than books and you can learn a more about humans from watching these.

When I will return I will make sure to take few of these round disc with me. Better I should start making a list of the things.

On Sunday I decided to practise my magic as it was clear that the so called date has not gone well as Nathan was present at pub just after his date with Natasha.

I have not given much thought about that fateful Friday night when he has saved me. He was looking so handsome in that blue jeans and white shirt. It showed his muscular body perfectly. The way his jaw was clenched and eyes turned grey.

For a moment I forgot what I was doing and snapped my fingers. WOOOP!

One moment I was in my room in middle of night practising magic and thinking about my boss and next I am in middle of room watching him sleep in his bed.

This was pure horror. How I reached here? Oops I know the answer 'magic'. Now I have to return back just as soon as I am able to remove my eyes from this beautiful sleeping face and naked broad shoulders.

He was looking so peaceful while asleep. He was clearly not wearing much clothes and sight was something. My eyes refused to follow my mind and I took an involuntary step forward and boom. I banged into something and it made noise. Something stirred as I saw from the corner of my eye and I quickly jump behind a couch.

Please let him not wake up ! not wake up!

"Who is there?" came a deep raspy voice. I saw two feet touching down from the bed from under the sofa and held my breath. Those were moving closer.

This was my cue. I have to do something else how I am going explain what I am doing here. Clearly the magic worked so I just have to make it work again. With this I snapped my finger and WOOOP!

I was back in my room. I left a sigh. It was close. Very Close!

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