Chapter 12

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I quickly found the filling room. It was a deserted room on 29th floor with a heavy metal door and a monstrous filling cabinet on the other end. I started arranging the files in alphabetical order. No doubt the previous human in my job position was terrible at his/her work. There were thousands of files lying on the floor and all files were mixed up and not at all arranged in any sort of order. This is going to take a long time.

After spending an hour or so in the room I came back and arranged the meetings I was asked to made few calls to the head of IT, marketing and finance. At quarter to 9 I knocked on Nathan's office and reminded him about the meeting. This morning he was acting very strangely one moment he is this sweet and other he is as sour as an unripe berry. He is just so confusing.

I waited for him patiently in the meeting room.

All three heads joined me after five minutes. I distributed them with papers and reports which Lucy emailed me and asked me to make copies and distribute in the meeting. These were some sort of annual reports of each department.

At sharp nine Nathan entered the office. He was looking really in his element. His jaw clenched and face devoid of any expression. I sat next to him and start taking notes of each and everything it seemed important.

I know that taking proper notes in very important for all organizations and then filling them so that it can be referred any point of time to see the progress made so far.

Soon the meeting finished and everyone left except me. It was my duty to collect the discarded reports and papers and file the notes in the famous filling cabinet along with these reports. So I took myself towards 29th floor for filing room.

After returning to my office I found that Nathan has another lunch meeting and he has already left without me. I was supposed to be with him at all the meetings to take notes. When I contacted Lucy for the same she said it is fine as this is a personal one and he would have taken me with him if he required.

Lucy asked me to join her for lunch and I was more than happy to accept her polite invitation.

Nathan's POV

After meeting I had to meet my mother Jane for the lunch. I was too tempted to take Ariana with me but retrained myself it was a personal meeting and my mother will eat my head up if I brought Ariana to this meeting. She always seemed to worry too much about me. It was on her constant nagging I have started dating Natasha. Natasha is everything a rich man needs in her wife but I have no interest in her. She is just like other girls. Though she has her own money and not so greedy but somehow she is more interested in our families coming together than joining me as my wife. Wife I can't think of her as my wife. She is just another girl. I was dating her in first place just to keep my mother off my back for few days.

"Hi Nathan! my darling son. Its so good to see you." Jane said kissing me lightly on my cheek. She is the best thing in my life. Only woman I trust completely.

"Where is dad? I was thinking he is going to meet me here with you" I enquired about another strong pillar of my life my dad Edward Hunt. He is a complete businessman ruthless, sharp like a shark. But when it comes to his family he is gentle and supporting. I always look up to him for support. His absence here meant only one thing Natasha.

He was very excited that I am dating Natasha but was also cautious of giving me my space and let me have my own decision. He knows that I am not ready yet. He wants me to settle down but not by pressure from him or my mom.

My mom well she just wants me to settle down and be happy like my cousin Ethan and his wife Alice.

They had found each other in very unusual circumstances and after a struggling year got married and were now living happily in Italy.

Ever since they got married my mother wants me to have same kind of happy beginning.

"So where are you with Natasha" asked my meddling mother in her sugar sweet voice.

"Wow someone is too direct today" I replied coolly.

" Don't try to change the topic Nathan. I know you agreed to meet me only after I threatened you to show up at your office and drag you out of there with me "she replied

"We are meeting tomorrow night. I will ask my PA to make arrangements for it" Suddenly those green eyes came to my mind.

I was brought out of those eyes by a waiter with a menu.

My meeting with Natasha gave enough satisfaction to my mother and we ate our lunch peacefully. I know deep down she is afraid for me. That I will never fell in love again or find the happiness. But doesn't all mothers are worried for some reason or other.

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