
Nobody stayed too long since the boat only gave us permission to be on the deck for about and hour. Cameron, Zach and I made it back to our place around three in the morning and  I was about to hit the hay until I remembered something.

"So what did you get Laura for her birthday? I don't remember you showing us anything when y'all went out last week."

"Oh yeah. Well since I got her a necklace for Valentines Day; I had to think outside the box."

"I mean you thought outside the box during Christmas with that Barcelona trip." 

"I did so it came to me naturally to give her this gift" he says handing me a pamphlet

"Paris?" I ask looking at the Eiffel Tower

"Yeah, I just added to our trip"

"Nice, and what does the family think?"

"Oh they're cool with it, Laura didn't know how to thank them"

"Who would.. wait. You took her to the Quiseng residence?" I gasped

"I did"


"I know, it was long overdue" Cameron lets out a deep sigh and walks off to his room.

Hmm maybe it was time I introduced the Martinez clan to my lovely girlfriend as well.


Nick's POV

"Happy..." I begin to whisper in her ear "Birth-" a giggle escapes my mouth "-day"

"Nooo" Carolina groans "I'm older than you again"

"I've always liked older woman" I laugh

Instead of turning around to give me as smile she turns and gives me a "seriously?" look.


"Sorry!" I smile "Breakfast?"

"Please" she yawns getting up

We arrived in Miami last night and being that our home here was still not habitable yet the hotel we were staying at for the next few days would have to do. 

"Are the Kardashians still staying here?" Carolina asks from the balcony

"No babe, they actually live in the neighborhood where our house is"

"Oh.. I mean i've seen our house like once so.."

"You'll see it today chill" I say

"Cant wait" she smiles eating some fruit "my blank canvas"

"Hey I have a say in the decoration as well"

"Sure" she laughs

"Mhh, I guess you don't want to see your gift.."

"You already gave me a gift..."


"Then what was that back in Cali?"

"That was just for fun, your real gift is back at our place"

Carolina's eyes grew wide.

"Go get dressed" I smile

I don't have to say it twice and she's off to get ready for a sunny day in Miami.


I dragged things on all day taking my fiance around town to shop for our homes furniture but I finally got tired of playing games and drove our rental car over to our house. Like everyone else's house, we had a high gate and walls of greenery around so nobody could see inside. I punched in the gate key and as the wooden doors opened up I looked over to Carolina with a grin.

"So i've noticed how much you love driving around in Joe's car"

"Well I cant say I don't" she laughs

The gates open revealing our vine filled house.

"It looks better than I remembered"

I havent even stopped the car and she jumps out of her seat. I do the same leaving the keys in the ignition but grabbing the garage doors controller.

"Are we going inside?"

"Eventually" I tease

"My gifts in there"



"It's in there" I say pointing to the garage

"You didn't..."

"I did..."

I press the "open" button on the remote and the garage door opens to reveal a Mercedes Benz G-Class SUV with a huge ribbon on top. Instead of running off to see her new car I feel Carolina's arms wrap around my neck holding me for dear life.

"Thank you" she sobs

"Babe, don't cry" I say wiping her tears away

"Wh-y did you get me that car? This house?" she weeps

"Simple" I smile "Because I love you, and I want you to have everything your heart desires"

"I have everything my heart desires"

"Oh yeah?" I ask

"Yeah. I have you"

"And I have you" I smiled

"Kiss me" she says looking up at me

I tilt my head to the side a bit and meet her lips half way as we both smile before kissing. There was no doubt in my mind that the girl I was kissing was my soul mate.

"Happy Birthday" I say once more time before letting her go "now go look at your gift!!"

I hand Carolina some keys and she jumps up and down like a little kid who just received a bag of candy; she was the cutest thing i'd ever layed eyes on.


a little jonas action cuz arent we all excited for this summer tour??


sorry having a moment.. but arent yall happy about another update? lol im trying to finish this story up :p (pic of the house on the side, and if you wanna jam to sos its also on the side)  

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