Chapter 9

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Joe's POV

"What are you talking about?" I hear her say

"Don't try to hide this from me; I saw even all the way out here how you went to Coco with Niall Horan!"

"Babe, don't start. My friends and I were there with all the One Direction guys."

"Okay, now explain to me why Carolina was kissing Harry then?"

"WHAT that's a fucking lie"

"Now I haven't told Nick but-"

"But nothing" she interrupted me "Harry has been harassing her, and last night he was just getting super close"

"Pictures say otherwise"

"Bullshit Joe, you know her and know she would never do that you your brother!"

I could tell she was getting upset with me but how was I supposed to react to these pictures being posted on gossip sites.

"I'm sorry, I jumped into conclusions and I don't want to see pictures of either of you in compromising positions."

"We know how to take care of ourselves"

"I know babe, just tell Carolina to stay away from Harry"

"I will"

There's a long silence for a moment until I realize it's super late and I'm running my minutes.

"I miss you."

"Miss you more..." she sighs "How's England?"

"Better if you were here babe"

"I'll see you soon Joe"

"I gotta go"

"I know"

"I love you" I tell her

"And I love you, bye"

We both hang up and I still feel uneasy about everything that happened over there. I should have brought her with me here but that's where I always messed things up with us. I wanted to have Genesis by my side at all times and never made the time for her, things had to be different this time.

"What's up?"

I turn around and see Kevin standing behind me.

"Nothing, I was just talking to Genesis"

"I heard you, but it sounded intense. What happened?"

"Gossip happened"


"Yeah she went out with all her friends, Carolina, and One Direction." I sighed "they just all looked so comfortable around each other"


"Yes but I'm worried also"


"I don't know... I think I'm just overthinking everything again"

"Don't that's how everything went wrong last time. Now c'mon, Nick is waiting for us"


"Yeah and he was also talking to Carolina..."

"Do you think..."

"Yes, she tells him everything"

Kevin turns around and I follow him out of our hotel suite. Of course Carolina would call Nick and tell him what happened, so why didn't Genesis do the same?


Carolina's POV

"I'm so sorry" I sobbed into my phone

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